Elex: Chapter 4

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Things have been hella tense in the house since I called Sarah a whore in front of her parents and blew up on Elex. I can tell this family will be wanting to kick me out so fuckin' bad soon. 

  "Elex, you have to drive Jamie to school since he doesn't have a car," Emma said as Jamie walked into the kitchen. 

  Jamie glared at me as he sat down in the chair far away from me. "Whatever,"

  Sarah walked down the stairs in her normal slutty outfit and I flashed her a fake smile. I bet she just loves living in the same house as her ex-boyfriend. I think it's just lovely. 

  "Hurry up, you guys. You don't want to be late for school," Emma said putting the last dish in the dishwasher. 

  "I actually don't mind being late to school. I usually arrive to school late anyways and skip my first class," I said smiling at her. 

  Oh, I bet they just love me. 

"Don't smoke in my truck," Jamie said, not even bothering to look at me as I lit a cigarette. 

  "I'll fuckin' smoke if I fuckin' want to smoke. I bought the damn things," I said inhaling the smoke.

  "I'm going to laugh if you get cancer and die," Elex said coldly. 

  My mouth fell open before I could control myself from showing any emotion to what he just said. "I'm gonna laugh if you kill yourself because of you being so heartbroken over your faggot ex-boyfriend," I fired back even more coldly than him. 

  I heard Elex choke a little before gripping the steering wheel, trying not to show any emotion. 

  I figured out what triggers him. Just talk about his ex and he'll start bawling like a baby. This could be good to know in the future. 

  We pulled into the school parking lot and Elex jumped out of the car and stormed off before you could say one word to him. 

  I didn't know that he goes here. This school isn't that big but I've never seen him around here before. Maybe I have and I just didn't acknowledge it. 

  "Jamie!" Mark said walking up to me as I hopped out of the car and swung my bag over my shoulder. "Sorry about Saturday, man. I was scared shitless. All I could think about was getting out of there," he lied.

    Ugh, just shut up. 

    "Yeah, it's whatever. I got sent away to some rich family cause of your shit,"

    "Aw, shit. I'm sorry, dude," Mark said gripping his bag. 

  "Their son's a fuckin' freak. He cries if you mention his ex-boyfriend," I said as we walked through the front door of our school. "Gayest guy I ever met," 

    "What's his name?" Mark asked suddenly very interested. 

  "Elex Clarke," 

I could hear the laughter from inside the cafeteria before it was actually in my sight. Walking in, I saw Elex near the back with tears streaming down his face while everyone else was laughing. 

  What the fuck?

  I saw Mark sitting at out normal table and walked up to him. "Dude, what's goin' on?" I asked sitting down next to him. 

  "The little faggot you have to live with is cryin' because me and a bunch of other dudes started messin' with him about his ex," Mark said laughing with everyone else as Elex stormed out. 

  "How do you not find this funny?" Mitchell asked laughing his ass off. 

  "I'll be right back," I mumbled, standing up from the table and walking out of the cafeteria. 

  This was probably my fault. I told Mark about Elex, and he probably started this. I don't actually want this pussy to kill himself or some shit because of this so I'm just gonna go find him. 

  "Elex!" I call out as I see him walking down the hallway, sobbing. 

  "Leave me alone, Jamie," he said between sobs and wiping the tears off his face. 

  "Ignore those assholes," I said pointing down the hall. "They won't mean shit to you after high school, and neither will that guy you used to date,"

  "Well, right now, it really does mean shit what they think," Elex mumbled. 

  I sighed. "In just one year, you won't care about all of this," 

  Elex looked up at me, tears running down his face. "Why are you being nice to me? Don't you, like, hate me?"

  I shrugged. "I just don't want you doin' somethin' stupid because of what I caused,"

  "What do you mean you caused it?" 

  "Well, uh. I told my friend Mark about you, and, uh, he started this shit,"

  Elex's mouth opened to say something, but instead of talking he walked away. 

  "Elex, wait!" I said as I followed him down the hallway. 

  Elex ignored me and kept walking.

  "God dammit, Elex!" I yelled slamming my fist into a locker. "Just fucking talk to me!"

  "Fuck, Jamie!" he said turning around to look at me, still crying. "I don't want to talk to you! You fucking did this, Jamie! You're the one who's going to make my life hell! Damn, I already hate you and I've only known you for a few days," 

  I opened my mouth to say something rude but stopped myself. He doesn't need that right now. "Elex, I'm sorry. I'll fix this," 

  "But until then, don't talk to me,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2012 ⏰

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