Chapter 1

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A political marriage solely created to benefit both families was set. An offer of rich land and a strong army backing sealed the commitment in a heartbeat. Although undesired, you had no say in the affair sealed weeks before.

Taking his 'beloved' eldest son, Judge would say that you were lucky to have. For everyone's sake, you'd smile and nod in public. Despite visually agreeing, you could not force yourself to feel such a way. He could leave your side for good and you wouldn't give it a second thought.

Saving the desired eye rolling for a private moment, it would later relieve the stress from the invasive forced family. Clinking their glasses and stuffing their faces after a successful mission, they were much too rowdy.

Wishing to be anywhere else, you focused on your husband. He was cold and calculating just like the rest of them. Unable to empathize, you wondered how it truly felt. To be so empty, the question kept you in a stunned silence.

The ever-replying images of unnecessary bloodshed churned your stomach. Land stained a vibrant red, you couldn't possibly partake in the festivities enjoying the slaughter.

Yet he'd simply laugh along with his colorful brothers without a care. Men so vibrant yet so distilled. Behind their laughter, you'd whisper a small prayer for those lives lost. Although fallen enemies, you couldn't help but do so.

Snickers and dirty looks you'd receive as they caught on effectively ruining their meal. Any sight of weakness was despised amongst the men particularly enraging Niji.

Although his expression was hidden behind his small darkened glasses, he was fearsome. Paralyzed by his powerful electricity, he approached with a menacing expression. Family or not, he would not stand for such disrespect.

Bracing, you shut your eyes tightly holding out for the worst. Having witnessed first hand what he was capable of, it could only end in a bloody pain.

Swinging hand, the air shifted before being abruptly stopped.

You held your breath as your hair blew back from the force before settling around you. Taking a soft breath, your eyes re-opened to the unexpected sight. Daring red dashingly arrived to your aid saving your delicate soul at the last minute.

Brushing away his sibling's ill hand, he escorted you out in silence. Ignoring the scowling being shot his way, it was best to leave the unnecessary fight.

As he placed a hand defensively upon your back, you couldn't help but automatically wince. Jumping a bit out of his defensive grasp, you gave a shy glance up at him. Catching his risen curly brow, you quickly apologized, "Sorry." A sprawling mixture of fear from Niji and his own touch jolted you. Unaccustomed to your own husband's touch, it was still strangely foreign.

He gave no response to your apology. Unable to feel the reasoning for your fear, he only cared about his wife being unbruised for presentation. Yet he couldn't help but react to your sunken expression. Grabbing your waist tightly, he forced you in close. Holding, he was going to keep you physically safe at the very least.

"[NAME]." Coming from the open doorway, your name was repeated a few times as you were initially unresponsive.

Jumping straight up from the calling, fear rushed up your spine. Momentarily paralyzed, you relaxed after the voice softened into a kind name. "O-Oh, sorry." You breathed a sigh of relief trying to get over last night's rattling moment.

Leaning upon the door frame, Reiju gave an understanding smile. "Breakfast is ready," she gave a quick message to not seeing you downstairs.

"Thank you," you gave alight nod to the calling. "W-Wait, have you seen Ichiji?" You questioned his whereabouts before she could leave. Leaving your bed silently before the sun rose, he gave no reasoning. Yet making sure to double bolt the door behind him, he took note of tightened security for once.

Taking a step back, Reiju appeared once more at the doorway. "He's on a mission with Niji, he should be home by dinner."

You nodded, accepting the hours to yourself.

Although they held a sickening lower view of manual labor, you were allowed to keep a garden. Free in the fresh air, you could get your hands dirty without repercussion. Minor duties such as pulling weeds became a joy as you were able to take your mind off of the situation if only momentarily.

Bright budding florals, you carefully watched over each one. Pouring your love into each petal, you quickly became lost. Humming softly to yourself, you failed to recognize the bouncing steps approaching.

Strong and confidant, he abruptly stopped to your crouched figure. Fawning over meaningless objects he'd caught you before but none this messy.

"[NAME]." He sternly called out.

You quickly paused, there was no question as to whom was demanding your immediate attention. "Ichiji?" Despite, his name came out in a questioning tone.

"I thought that you weren't going to be back until late?" With a nervous smile, you slowly rose up on your shaky legs. As you took a few steps back, you attempted to buy some time as you shook the dirt off from your hands.

He internally was taken aback from your words belittling his abilities. "We finished early." He took a breath not letting it rattle his outer calm. "What are y—"

Stepping away from his approach, you inched further towards the back door. "S-Sorry, I have to go." Scrambling quicker, you rushed in dodging possible questioning about your actions.

No, he never laid an ill hand upon you. Neither a raise to his voice yet he was still a part of such a cruel family. A stranger forced upon you, you weren't fully sure what he was capable of.

"[NAME]." He followed a moment behind not letting the chance pass.

"Y-Yes?" You paused as you couldn't escape him. As he slowly raised his hand, you immediately cowered. Shutting your eyes, you feared his painful actions.

"Here." He held on before noting the fear taking over your body in a low sink. Taking a respective step back, he tried to give you some space from his strong approach.

Carefully re-opening your eyes, you found a surprising sight. Holding a lone red rose, he offered it up to you. Sloppily plucked, the stem broke in a visually harsh tug.

"I-Is that wrong from my garden?" You tried to muddle the anger lacing your voice.

He shrugged as he saw nothing wrong in ruining your bit of paradise.

You sighed softly as the note wasn't worth digging into. "Thank y—" You stopped from his sudden touch gently tucking your hair back. Carefully slipping the flower to behind your ear, he tried not to stir. From his thick gloves, you were able to feel the shaking heat of his hands.

Holding your breath, you felt no fear from his tender touch. Allowing him to do so, you kept focus upon him.

Pulling away, he rubbed the back of his head. "We should talk soon." 

Arranged - Ichiji Vinsmoke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now