Chapter 3 [final]

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'We're staying in.'

"W-What do you mean?" Your voice cracked as he spoke of other plans. Deviating from the usual, Judge would surly raise an unnecessary issue about the change.

You gulped to his nonchalant shrugging before the question quickly left your mind. His light grip upon your hand refusing to release just yet. Squeezing a tinge harder to your reluctance, every ounce of fight leaving your being.

"Sit down," he demanded as he escorted you out onto the balcony.

Empty, you looked around as to where. No seating, not even a table, you turned to question before he spoke up once more. "Sit," your senses heightened senses made his voice richer with anger than it really was.

"Y-Yes," you managed to stammer out as you quickly sat upon the cold ground.

Initially stinging cold flooring, he dropped his formal coat over your shoulders to relieve some of the abrasive pain. "Thank you," you nodded accepting the bit of warmth.

Shifting the warm fabric to cover more of yourself, it blocked out some of the cold crisp air buzzing by. Why did he need to talk outside in such weather? Was he truly void of any feelings that he couldn't even feel the cold? No, that was a sillier thought than others that you've had about him. Although far fetched, you couldn't shake the feeling.

He sat besides leaving several inches of space in between. Although he stepped into the cold rather bare, he chose to remain in his own freezing bubble. Instead of seeking close warmth, he would tough it out by himself.

The words that he wished to say slowly suffocated him, the open air doing him little good. Anxious nerves increasing his heart beat quickly raised his body temperature making up for the outdoors. The goosebumps once raising on his arms to the cold returned to the budding heat being created.

Where could he start? The words refusing to align into proper sentences holding him back from his opportunity.

As he mumbled incoherent words, you peered over to his jittery movements. Rubbing constantly over his arm, he would soon surly scrub off his tattoo if he kept going.

"Are you okay?" You spoke up unable to see him in further pain. Reaching out to him with your left hand, you fearlessly stopped his.

Jumbling words and bubbling unknown feelings blocked out your initial calling. Continuing to furiously rub his arm, he only paused to your touch. Looking down, he saw your delicate hand calling out to him.

Caring affection, hotter than his high body temperature, radiated. Pleasant, it turned a sharp cold as he saw the ring upon your finger. Jerking his arm away, he abruptly tore the rare connection.

Letting out a surprised squeak, his sudden pulling away leaving you startled. He was so warm and comforting, you could have remained for longer if he had permitted. Yet he couldn't keep the bond for longer than a few seconds.

"I'm sor—"

"I hate that ring." He cut off your apology to bring up his issue with the sight.

"O-Oh," you stammered to his unexpected gripe. Despite his problem laying with something else and not you personally, it still made you worry.

He muttered a few times to his sudden out burst of admission. Not wishing for it to come out this way, there was no going back. "Don't you?" He picked his head up to look into your questioning eyes.

You looked down at your hand studying the ring banded upon your finger for eternity. Although the weight was uncomfortable for the first few days, you had become accustomed to it. Paying little mind, you tried not to think about it. Despite it sealing an unwanted marriage, words off hate to an object never really surfaced.

Arranged - Ichiji Vinsmoke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now