Chapter 2

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Laid besides his stern figure, you'd forget that he was truly human. Not another lab made clone, he was made of flesh and blood just like yourself. Pumping was his consistent beating heart and steady breathing keeping him alive. As ridiculous as it would sound to others, you have to make sure of this every so often.

Tonight, you couldn't keep your eyes off of him. Usually distant, he laid himself closer to you as he slept.

Moonlight kissed his pale face as he innocently took soft breaths. As if all of his sins were absolved by the stars, he was able to sleep freely. Appearing in a better light, his features stood out. His rich long lashes fluttered the deeper that he delved into his dreams. Questions swirled as to what such a man could ever dream of.

'Ichiji...' his name softly fell from your lips for the first time. Name tingling your lips, it was a new warmth that he caused.

Reaching slowly towards him, your hand stretched out on its own. What would you do when you reached him? Touch him? Caress him gently? The thought was otherworldly, foreign. A mixture of being wrong and right, such a stomach churning feeling. Radiating down to your trembling fingertips, they paused as he mumbled softly immediately making you regret your approach.

Jerking your hand back, you held it in the safety of your space. Holding your breath, you bit down on the warmth of your lips. As you shook your head slightly the budding warm thoughts departed.

Letting go with a soft sigh, you needed to catch your breath somewhere far away. Moving as slowly as possible, you slipped out of bed gently pushing aside the covers as not to wake.

"[NAME]." Breaking the silence of the night, his voice quickly called out as he was easily stirred by the lightest of movements.

"Y-Yes?" After momentarily hesitating, you managed to weakly let out.

Fully awake, he defensively rose from his slumber. "What's wrong?" Flipping on the lights, he wished for an immediate answer.

"O-Oh, it's nothing, I just wanted to get some water." You quickly made up an excuse as you couldn't possibly give him the honest answer. "I'm sorry for waking you, please go back to sleep." Slipping back into bed, you tried to calm his jittery worries.

He expelled a deep sigh; a mixture of aggravation and relief for your safety let go in one breath. "Stay here," he lowly demanded as he refused your word. After flipping the lights on, he carried himself out of bed.

You followed his every move until he sunk out of your sight. Running faucet, water collected for a few seconds before shutting off.

As he returned, the brief moment of eye contact turned your eyes away. His piercing gaze redirecting yours before he called for your attention.

Offering a clear glass of water, he had brought your waking desire.

Sitting up in bed, you accepted the cold glass with a slight nod, "Thank you."

He gave a low mutter as a response before taking a seat on his side of the bed. Resting against the headboard, he looked around various areas before giving you a side eye.

You gulped deeply from his stare. His eyes intently focused, jarred your hands rattling the once calm water. Taking a forced gulp, you drank as much as you could to not raise further suspicions.

You watched as a low smirk changed his stern expression. Shifting once more slowly into a part, it was as if words wished to come out.

This was it. What he wanted to say before would finally be said.

Removing the glass from your lips, you braced yourself.

He stopped himself at the last moment. With the words on the tip of his tongue, he swallowed them instead. Turning suddenly to return to bed, he muttered as he sank beneath the covers, "Go to sleep."

'Dinner is at 7.'

You sighed softly as you slowly readied yourself to the approaching hour; thoughts of him being exasperatingly distracting dragging out the time. Although you were the closest to him that you have ever willingly been before the sun rose, he had been missing well into the sunset.

Distant, the aura around the castle felt unusual. Roaming thoughts of being purposefully ignored bubbled. Gnawing feeling continued to snip at your conscious before you quickly tried to shake it away.

Repetitions of your wish coming true, you tried to feel better about. Yet your stomach quickly dropped to the feeling of being truly left alone.

A deeper sigh fell as you tried to distract yourself from such thoughts. A moment of freedom was only allowed until your mind ultimately turned over to him once more.

Ignoring your dressing momentarily, you turned to the stack of books upon the counter. Beneath the heavy three above, the thinnest title below held the lone rose. Pressed beneath the weight of the absorbing paper, you wished to preserve it for as long as possible.

"[NAME]." Ichiji walked in without a knock after a long separation. A heavy subject put off for far too long, he needed to get off his chest before dinner. Entering with confident and fearless steps, they suddenly paused to your figure focused on another. The smile upon your face he questioned with a minor one growing upon his lips unconsciously mimicking your own. Minorly enamored, he paused to savor for a silent moment before his eyes eventually wandered down.

Bare skin and never before seen curves wiped his mind immediately clear. Flustered with hearts in his eyes, his words slurred in indistinguishable loud words.

"Huh? O-Oh, Ichiji!" His startling jumble of words made you quickly slam the book shut. Keeping any cherished relic of his you would never let him see.

Taking a moment to recover, it took a second to realize the source of his lustful gaze.

Face igniting to the shade of his fiery hair, you quickly scrambled to cover your modesty. "G-Get out!" You screamed at his lecherous expression only growing more intense. Grabbing anything that you could, heavy titles were thrown at him snapping him out of his loving phase.

You tugged at the various layers of white ruffles decorating your blouse. Buttoned up all the way, you pulled on the tight collar for a deep unrestricted breath. Mumbling to yourself, you slowly recovered from the unintentional strip show.

His eyes, completely captivated by your figure, rose the heat upon your cheeks the longer that you thought about it. Studying every inch of you, your nerves continued to jump. Although he cared none for changing before you, you'd never follow suit.

'I can't look at him anymore...' you groaned to yourself as you continued to sulk by yourself. Holding your fidgeting fingers in your lap, you could only sit and wait for him to return after chasing him out before.


Your breathing hitched as your slumped posture straightened up immediately to his voice. Initially diverting your eyes, you gave a soft answer, "I'm ready."

Similarly looking away, he waited an extra moment before looking towards you.

Slowly turning back to him, your nerves relaxed as questions to his appearance rose. Wearing his relaxed attire of a plain white t-shirt, he wasn't properly dressed for dinner. "I-I'll be outside waiting for you while you get dressed," you stood to excuse yourself.

He took your hands stopping you from taking a second step. "No, I called for someone to bring us up dinner, we're staying in."

Arranged - Ichiji Vinsmoke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now