Chapter 1: Someone Like You

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Jonas's POV

My lungs scream at me as I sprint to school with a piece of toast in my mouth. It's my very first day at my new high school and Im already late! Stupid Rylan couldn't have been bothered to wake me up?

I grab the top on the gate and jump it, running into the school, my uniform most certainly a wreck. I almost forgot how big this place was since orreintation two weeks ago.

The halls are empty as I run through them to my first class. Reaching the english hallway I go full throttle into my english class, bursting in.

I pant and straighten myself up as eyes fall onto me. Mr. Dalla clears his throat, raising a very unamused eyebrow.

" Late on your first day Mr. Vanos?" Mr. Dalla asks me then points to a seat in the back corner next to a blonde haired boy who is too busy staring out the window to notice, " You sit there and don't make another noise."

I nod and walk to the back of the class, sitting beside the boy. What a great way to start my new high school life.


Students start to make little formations as I walk into the cafeteria. I get my lunch, being extra nice to the lunch lady which earned me a smile and just as nice treatment.

I look around for a place to sit, the cafeteria buzzing. Three kids at a table of six wave at me, coaxing me over. I immediately identify the blonde guy with from my English class, slouched in a seat. He has bad dark circles and piercings in his ears. The thick scent of an alpha rubs off him.

I sit down across from him next to one of the guys. He smiles at me and props his head on his hand with his elbow on the table, an omega.

" Hi, Im Leo, we are in the same English class, " he chirps.

" Hi, Im Jonas, " I blink then widen my eyes, " Wait really?"

His smiles grows, "Yup, I sit in front of Kayden," He nods to the moody blonde.

" Oh give him a break Leo, you're overwehlming him!" A very handsome omega points out.

Leo blushes, sitting back.

The handsome omega reach across the table, " Hi I'm John, and this is my mate Deshawn but you can call him Shawn, " he says nodding to the raven haired alpha beside him.

Shawn shifts, draping a arm over John, " Sup."

I nod.

" Im Isaias, you're a senior right?" A dark reddish brown haired alpha asks.

I nod, " Yeah why?"

Isaias shifts, " You look really young yet handsome and you smell matured."

I cock an eyebrow, these folks are so blunt around here. My eyes cast onto the omega beside me. He smiless slightly, moving away, brushing me. Tingles shoot through my arms.

" Um hi, Im River..." He says, " Sorry Im really shy so if I seem a bit off thats probably why..."

His hand rubs the back of his neck cutely. His dark brown hair has a couple dark blue streaks in his bangs which sets out his gentle gray eyes. He stands, moving to throw away his trash. I bite my lip, his black jeans hug his sorta thick legs and plum butt perfectly and his sweater is tight enough to see his figure but loose enough to seem unintentional.

He sits back down between me and Isaias. I peel my eyes from him and look at the group.

" Is there anything I need to know such as people to avoid, classes to drop?" I ask.

The group exchanges looks. Leo leans forward, statring through the metal grate table.

" There is this alpha, he is known for being a fuckboy and he bullies omega who refuse him, " Leo says, " He picks on me and River alot."

" Whats his name?" I ask, my attitude souring.

" His name is Rylan."

My blood boils at the mention of the bastard's name.

" Of course, " I mutter.

" Wait, you know him?" John asks.

" Yeah, he's my step brother, he's kinda a ass at home," I say.

The small group hushes.

River's POV

I sit in math class, sketching a rose on my paper, waiting for my classmates. Jonas strolls into the class and looks for a place to sit. Omegas are gonna fight over him.

In appearance he is gentle and innocent. His black hair is somewhat messy but brushed to the side. The white shirt he is wearing is a little see through, the letterman jacket from our school over the top. He has on a pair of Timberlands and jeans with holes in the knee.

He is well built, lean body but muscularly sculpted. His thighs show through his jeans and when he had his coat off at lunch you could see his pecks, and sculpted arms. A full course meal for one of the many popular omegas to prey on.

Hazel eyes fall onto me and Jonas smiles his adorable smile. I smile back as he walks over and sits at my table beside me.

" Hey, " he says quietly, his doey hazel eyes smiling at me.

I blush slightly," Hi."

He's really cute. I don't really know what to say.

Jordan and Cary look back at us, two well known omegas at our school. I smile at them shyly only to recieve a glare.

Jonas lies his head onto my space in front of me, catching my attention. He looks up at me, studying my face which is heating up by the second.

" Ignore them, envy is a bad trait, " He says softly.

O my luna he is compassionate. This bastard, it's my first day meeting you and I already like you.

I nod, " Yeah.."

" Oh my Gods, River, and Jonas too?!" Leo squeals, running up to our table and sitting across from me.

Ajax, one of Leo's alpha friends that I have english with, sits beside him. Jonas looks up at him, probably smelling his thick alpha scent. They scan each other and thankfully deem themselves equals. When alphas fight, they FIGHT. Teeth, knuckles, claws, what ever works.

" I can't believe we have a class together, we got so lucky this year." Leo babbles.

" The only reason Im in this class is because Im bad at math, " I say.

Jonas props his head on his hand, his elbow on the table, " You're bad at math?"

Blush creeps across my face.

" Yeah... I get flustered and miss steps, " I explain.

He smiles, " Awe that's unfortunate."

Mrs. Daisy passes out papers, a welcome back practice is what is written on the top. I scribble out River Dalla at the top of my paper and start on problem one.

I stare at it, wtf....

Jonas leans over me, his arm behind my chair. I qwatch as he writes out the answer for me.

" Dalla?" He reads, " Your father wouldnt happen to be Mr. Dalla?"

I nod," Yeah thats my dad."

" Oh, " He smiles, " I dont think he likes me."

I pet his head on instinct, " He doesn't like a lot of people."

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