Chapter 11: Family trip

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Jonas's POV

I pout as Dad drives, Rylan and his dad are in the car ahead.

" Hey it's a family trip, lighten up kiddo," Dad says.

I glare at him for a moment then stare back out the front window," You don't have to share a tent with him."

The stuck in the back raddles as we go over a bump. Tall evergreen pine trees fly by us, small scrubs by their roots.

The white SUV ahead slows down and They turn down a dirt road. Dad follows them, the gravel tossing us around slightly.

Empty camping spots are already visible. Tents and Trailers are places in various places. There are multiple trail heads and blue trash cans.

We drive down the last road and they park at a empty spot with no one around. Dad parks by them and turns off the car.

" No getting into a fight with Rylan," my dad tests.

I roll my eyes," Tell Rylan that."

He stares at me as I get out of the car. Rylan casts a disgusted look at me and I return it.

A green sedan pulls up behind my dads car and parks. Randol gets out of the passenger side while Jazmin hops out of the drivers side. Spoiled brat, I'd never let her behind the wheel.

Randol smiles at me but I don't return it. Try me fucker, I'm more likely to punch him than Rylan and that's saying something. Why do they both gotta be Alphas and why couldn't Jazmins dad take her for the weekend?

I groan and get the tent out of the back. I scan the ground for a generally flat and rockless area and begin the sets up the oversized bright orange tent, putting the poles together.

" Need some help?" Randol asks from behind me.

" No thanks I'm fine," I mutter under my breath.

Dude just leave me alone.

He stands for a moment, watching me in thought. He leaves me, must've read my thoughts.

In about ten minutes I get the tent set up. I look at the clear blue sky, the smell of pine or maybe the wind clearing my nose.

Dad helps Tyler with their tent while Rylan sits on the hood of his car with Jazmin beside him. They take separate glances at me then lean in and talk to each other.

My eyes attempt to roll, just forget it Jonas.

I walk to the car and grab my backpack, sleeping bag sack and pillow. The trunk closes with a click and I walk back to my tent.

I slip inside and toss my stuff in the corner. Pulling the sleeping bag from it's cover I flick out then lay it on the ground as far to the right as possible.

The tents door fabric makes a slipping sound and Rylan walks in with his stuff. He places on his phone, tossing his bags in the corner.

" Thanks for the help," I mutter.

"It was best to leave the worker bee alone."

" You didn't look alone to me," I remark, denoting him to the worker bee.

" Do you wanna fight me asshole, quit pissing me off."

I chuckle," What ever little bee."

He growls and leaves the tent. This is gonna be a lot of fun...

River's POV

Something outside crashes as the heavy winds most likely blow it over. I glance from my book out the window. I wonder what Jonas is doing. He seemed upset the he had to go camping, he must look really cute right now probably pouting on his sleeping bag.

I giggle to myself and pull the fluffy pink blanket back over my stomach. My phone, on my stomach, buzzes.

I check it.

Jonas: help

Me: lol Gavin fun?

Me: *halving

Me: ***having

Jonas: no

Jonas: Jazmin and Rylan are getting along

Jonas: I miss you

Me: we saw each other like six hours ago when you left

Jonas: But stillllll

Jonas: I want you...

I blush a little, my mind is too dirty.

Jonas: Come here

Me: I'm not driving up there

Jonas: damn

Me: I'm surprised u have reception

Jonas: its a popular camp

Me: oh

Jonas: send me a picture of you

I giggle and open my camera. Contently I smile, taking a OK selfie.

Me: *attached image*

Jonas: ugh I want you

Me: poor baby

Jonas: *attached image*

I tap on it. The lighting is dim but he is pouting while sitting on his sleeping bag.

Me: lol cutie

Jonas: I'm not that cute in bed tho ;P

Me: omg Jonas

Jonas: call me daddy

Me: Shut up

Jonas: No

Jonas: come here and we'll do some new things

Me: we're gonna do pot?!?!

Jonas: no

Jonas: *attached picture*

THATS RATED X WTF. I blush at his now shirtless pic, his hand pulling down his sweatpants to show his Calvin Klein boxers.

Me: NO

Jonas: but it felt so good last time baby

Jonas: I wanna see you riding this dick that you liked so much

I put the phone face down on my stomach. My hand covers my mouth. Omfg. My face burns as I think about it, his oversized dick and his low groans. Fuck I'm gonna get hard.

I look at my phone again.

Me: just stop

Jonas: you know you like it

Me: I disown you

Jonas: no wait baby

Me: yeah?

Jonas: can you send a dirty picture first

I throw my phone at my feet.

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