Dinner Party Part 1

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" I found a way to take down Elijah. " Damon smirked making me groan about the Mikaelson's going back into my life.

" What do you mean ' taking ' down Elijah ?" I asked not really interested in this time in the morning. I got out of my bed making Damon take steps back.

" I mean I'm going to stab Elijah with a dagger dipped in white ash . " I looked at Damon like he grew two heads . How the hell does he know about the dagger and white ash ? No one is suppose to know about it. If someone gave it to Damon then somebody knows about them and there weakness. Maybe that's why Klaus came here last night to get someting out of me ; which I know nothing about only something about needing a witch .

" How do you know it's going to work ? " I question him trying to get him back out of this plan. If Damon does stab Elijah then Klaus would get furious and kill all my family and friends. Elijah is a noble man , on the other hand . How is Damon going to stab him ? I know he wouldn't stab him in public that would be a stupid move to all of us.

" If it doesn't then ; I don't know." Wait who gave him that dagger ? That person then knows about vampires .

" Wait who gave you that dagger in the first place ? " I put my hands in my hips looking at him supiciously.

" John Gilbert." He says . John Gilbert ? That bastard ! How the hell did he get that anyway ? He must of got in lots of work to get that. How can Damon trust him that quickly ?

I shook my head walking out of my room , Damon hot in my tail. I got downstaris trying to find Stefan . Where is he ?

" How can you trust John Gilbert just like that ?" I get to the parlor getting myself some Whiskey.

" I don't that's why I'm having a dinner party inviting Elijah , Alaric , Andy , and you. " Damon smirked taking my whiskey out of hands before I actually took a sip.

"Hey! That was mine." I called out watching Damon drink it all walking away.

"Not anymore!" I rolled my eyes getting a cup of Whiskey once again. I need it more than him . I hate having flashbacks. Why do I keep letting myself think about those days where I was too blind to see the truth. I snapped my eyes shut trying to get the thoughts out.

You miss him. I know you do . He doesn't miss you .You love him , still .He doesn't love you though. Go to him and make him right. He's going to ignore you. I opened my eyes trying to push away the little voice in my head. I feel pathetic. A hybrid , vampire and witch , having teenage problems. Pathetic !

I got annoyed at myself deciding to go upstairs to see what I'm going to wear. I scanned through the rack of clothes I have .

" To ugly ." I thought throwing the orange sundress down the floor. " To pink ." I scrunched up my nose in distguist . " To floweral. " I rolled my eyes. What do you wear in a Historical Society tea party?

After a few more ugly outfits , I still haven't got a perfect dress. Looks like I have to go shopping . I sighed getting dressed with some jeans and a random shirt. Why couldn't I have a perfect dress ? I looked around my messy room not finding any of my shoes. Really ? Now I have to fix my room ? I used my vampire speed to quickly clean my room and stuff everything in the closet slidding the mirror door across before all my clothes fall out. I scanned the room still not finding my gray vans. I groaned walking down the hallway yelling out , " Stefan ? Do you know where my shoes are ?" I  yelled out. I heard nothing in response which made me suspicious.

"Damon !!! Do you know where , Stefan is at ?" I screamed turning around only to find Damon behind me. I yelped in surprise slapping him slightly in the arm. " Don't scare me." I crossed my arms . "Well you wouldn't get scared if you could stop screaming and would of heard me walking up the stairs. " Damon rolled his eyes . Oh oops.

" Whatever , I'm going shopping . Also , where is Steffie ?"  I questioned using my nickname for him. I haven't seen Steffie for a while and I've been wondering about where his presence is at.

" He went to a romantic get - away with Elena." He emphasized 'romantic'.

" Ew." I uttered in disbelief. Why doesn't she just leave my brothers alone . I mean she's like another Katherine even worse , she's human ! At least , Katherine has good taste in clothes I mean she does have nice heels and clothes . I totally need to tell her where she got her shoes. What is up with me ? I'm acting like a freakin' teenager again. I need friends.

I sighed looking up seeing Damon stare at me in confusion. I hate talking to myself. "Well I gues I'll just be on my way. " I smiled innocently , if that's even possible. I waved at Damon who just shook his head heading to his room . Don't want to know what he's going to do with his new girlfriend , Andy , the reporter chick which Damon has been with for a while just to get Elena out of his head. Why does Elena have to be part of something in every problem.

I walked down the stairs heading towards my car . I unlocked it getting in it. I fixed my rear window finding Klaus in the back of my car. What the hell is he doing ? Most importanly how did I not know he was in the back of my car.

" What , are you doing in my car? How are you in my car ? " I yelled in frusturation . Ever since my 'witch' side was released I couldn't feel other presence around me.

I looked back at Klaus who had a playful smirk on his face. " You know I'm capable of doing anything , love ." He rested his arms in the shoulders of the seat.

I rolled my eyes at his explanation.  " Don't call me ' love ' !" I snapped at him. Can't I just go shopping with out any disturbance ?

" As I was saying , I need you." His smirk suddenly fell and his face expression became serious. My stomache dropped at his words. I need you . I need you. Why does he want me for ? I'm no use.

" What do you need me for ?" I asked using my 'badass ' tone . To tell the truth , I was scared as shit . I wasn't going to show it of course , I'm afraid of what he's capable to do.

" I need you to do a spell for me. I would normally ask for another witch , but you're the most powerful than the rest of the witches out there. You're a hybrid , just like me ,well almost . That's when you come in." He smiled at me.

" Wait back up there Mr. I'm going to be a powerful hybrid that well make you crawl into a hole. What makes you think I'm going to help you?" I crossed my arms.

" If you don't I'm going to kill everyone you ever met or spoke a word to , starting with your brothers." His eyes glinted a hint of badass .

Now I know I have to obey him or else I know he's going to kill everyone. " When do I start ? " I sighed , scared , looking at him. His smile became wider as he spoke . " Meet me tomorrow at 11 p.m. I'll text you the adress. Nice doing business with you , Audrey. " With that Klaus vanished into the woods .

" Nice doing business with you , Audrey. Yeah right , asshole . " I rolled my eyes backing out of my driveway and now going to the mall.


Hello my peeps! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's been a long month , but I'm finally out of school and now it's summer! I have more time to update and do my favorite thing , write !

What are you guys thinking about Klaus ? Team Klaus ? I need a ship name for Audrey and Klaus. Kladrey ? I suck at making ship names. Comment what you think !

Team ________ !

Comment/fan/vote !!



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