Chapter Four

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Alyssa's POV

By this point I'd had enough. I was going out of my mind with worry. They hadn't even told me whether he was okay.

They kept me in a cell over night which was just as bad as it was in the films. The bed or mattress rather was like sleeping on a stone slab. The toilet was pretty much a metal hole that stank of piss even though I didn't use it. That was pretty much all that was in the room. The food was rank. I could've sworn that it was just the same meal over and over again but just mushier each time.

I couldn't take it anymore. It was driving me insane. The silence was too loud. I started to scream and bang on the door of the cell, the walls, any flat surface really. It wasn't painful. Nothing hurt anymore. I was completely loosing the plot.

Suddenly, the slat in the door flew open, to reveal a pair of dark eyes, "pipe down," said that bitchy officer on the other side of the door. The slat slammed shut and everything was quiet again. I froze for a second, I suddenly realised, this is what it would be like, wouldn't it? Prison. I would be completely isolated and trapped, for god knows how long. The tears started crawling back into my eyes, there was nothing I could do to stop them. It wasn't fair. What had we done to deserve this? The dickhead deserved it. James was right, he was going to hurt me, they'd seen the tape, they knew what he was capable of. So why was I still here? Okay so we did steal a few cars, rob that petrol station and completely abandon Frodo but we only did that to save ourselves.

I didn't realise that while all this was going on in my brain that there was a jangling of keys from outside my door. The door was suddenly flung open and that bitchy officer, Teri or something like that, was standing in the it's place, casting her shadow over the floor.

"Come with me," she instructed, by this point I was such I mess that I was on the fucking floor sobbing. I picked myself up, dusted myself off and wiped away my tears as if they were never there. "Alright," I said as I tried to sashay out of the room, it didn't really work very well, especially in that dress. I looked more like a man attempting to walk in heels. James would've laughed even if that bitch didn't.

"Where are we going?" I asked, genuinely curious because there can't be that much to see in this town can there? There wasn't a reply. She really was a bitch. We turned a corner of a shortish corridor, and she walked towards the door opposite. She opened it to reveal an empty room but instead of a table with four chairs, this time there was a table with eight. "What's going on?" I trailed off because I'd noticed that she had left the room. I sat down in one of the chairs in the middle and waited. I did that thing that the pretty girls do in the movies where they sigh and rest their head on their hands trying to be all "woe is me" and all that shit.

The door opened again and bitchy Teri walked in with some ginger police woman that I hadn't seen before behind her. I had calmed down a bit, to try and seem... well, normal and not almost insane. I couldn't tell if it was working or not.

They both sat across from me and I could see out of the corner of my eye that someone had sat down in the seat next to me. I didn't take any notice really, thinking that it wasn't anyone of significance, it was probably just another lawyer anyway. Suddenly both police officers started looking at me weirdly. So I did what I normally did in those situations and stared back. I stared back at them until the person sitting next to me placed their hand on the table, palm facing upwards, on the table in front of me.

At first I didn't really understand what was going on. I just sort of stared at the hand awkwardly. It was kind of discoloured, almost orange looking. The back of the hand looked misshapen, maybe burned... almost as if someone had stuck it in a deep fat fryer.

Author's Notes:
Hi guys,

If you read this when it was first published I was experiencing some trouble saving my work so it kind of ended on a weird note, sorry 😋 I'm really glad people are liking the story so far, there are a couple of ways that I think it could go but I'll keep it a surprise.

Happy Reading,
Jess ❤️

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