Chapter Six

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Alyssa's POV:

Once his one was over I knew that it was going to be my turn next. He looked so relieved once it was over, I turned to him and gave him a massive hug. I whispered in his ear "You did great," to show my support. We pulled away and he gave a weak smile. I knew that it was probably hard for him to relive all of that shit, I mean it was for me too but he was the one that actually... well you know.

"Would you mind if we asked you some questions now, Alyssa?" Teri asked, after deliberating with her collegues.

"Yeah, fine." Teri had already pissed me off enough today, I wasn't about to take any of her crap again. James looked at me as if to say "don't fuck it up." I squeezed his hand to reassure him. It wouldn't be me that fucked it up anyway, it's be fucking Teri winding me up until I explode all over her smug face.

"Okay," Teri began and she started the tape recorder again. She did the same speech that the other officer had done for James' one, but with my name... obviously.

"So Alyssa, can you talk us through that night from your perspective, please." Funny, she didn't say the whole "if you wouldn't mind shutting the fuck up" speech to James. To be honest, he seemed too shaken to even say anything. He was still staring at the table.

"Yep." I replied, already not bothered for this shit.

"Now, we know how you got into his house and why you were there, so can you tell us what time you stormed out of the house?" The smug bitch asked me, looking at me like she was some kids TV presenter that the twins would watch.

"I dunno about 3 ish," I told her.

"Okay and where did you go when you left the house?" She proceeded, looking down at the notepad on the table in front of her, where she had the list of questions written in her messy handwriting.

"Just went for a walk," I replied. It was true, I'd only been for a walk, what more did they fucking want from me?

"Yes but where?" She pressed. I was getting seriously pissed off.

"I don't know where, just around." I answered through gritted teeth. I felt James' eyes on me, he could tell I was reaching boiling point and whispered my name. Just hearing him say my name, calmed me down slightly, I took a deep breath and tried to keep my cool.

"Okay well, how did you come to meet, Christopher?" She asked, getting noticeably more pissed off.

"Who?" At that point I actually had no idea who the fuck she was talking about.

"I think he had some stupid nickname, Topher or something like that?"

"Oh yeah that guy, erm I met him when I was out on the walk."

"And you just decided to sleep with him there and then?"

"What? No! I was pissed off with James so I...I... I don't really understand why I did it but I didn't actually sleep with him, I already told you that so I would prefer that you didn't keep questioning me on it." This was it. She'd blown it. If she asked me one more question about that prick I was going to flip my mother fucking lid.

"So why did you decide not to sleep with him?" she asked.

"Teri?" The other officer said, I could tell that she was starting to notice how pissed I was getting.

"Because I didn't fucking want to, that's why!" By this point I was standing up over the table, shouting.

"Alyssa..." James said, louder this time. I felt like I'd let him down but at this point he wasn't my focus.

"Alyssa if you could please refrain from using that kind of..."

"No, I gave you a chance, I asked you nicely to stop pestering me about that dickhead but you still did it! What kind of police officer are you? Fucking morons."

"Alyssa calm down!" I heard James say from behind me.

"No James I will not fucking calm down I am sick and tired of her looking at me like I'm some kind of whore!"

"Okay, Alyssa, I think we're going to take a short break now."

"Fucking fine by me." I slumped back into my chair, my heart pounding, chest rising and falling rapidly. James suddenly grabbed me by the hand and said "come on." I got up and followed him. I wanted him to hold me and to just let me cry in his arms for a while.

He took me outside of the police station and into the small, concrete car park where there was a small bench underneath one of the windows. He sat on the right hand side, leaving room for me to sit on the left. I sat down beside him and he placed his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer to him. He was so warm, I just snuggled into his chest and he kissed me on the head brushed his hand up and down my arm. We sat there for what seemed like an eternity, in complete silence. 

"You okay?" He broke the silence. 

"Am now." I said back, tilting my head upwards to look him in the eye. He was smiling at me, reassuringly. 

"Come on then, we'd better get you back in there." He said, pulling away ever so slightly. 

"Fine." I groaned, smiling back at him. He placed his hand in between us, palm facing upwards. I placed my hand on top and we both got up and began to walk back inside. Just as we were about to reach the door he grabbed my other hand so that he was now holding both of my hands and we stopped, "hey," he started, "you know I love you, don't you?" he said reassuringly. In that moment I had never felt more alive. It was like every shitty thing that I had gone through before in my life was preparing me for this moment. I had gone through so much shit, what with my dad, my mum and fucking Tony and the whole murder thing, but in that one moment it all just seemed to fade away, into the past.  It was as if in that one moment, I had started a new life, a new future and it was James. 

"Yeah, I know, you know I love you too, don't you?" He put his hands around my waist and I placed mine around his neck. 

"I had my suspicions," he said with a small laugh and I pulled him in for a kiss. This was by far the best moment of my entire life so far. We pulled apart and strolled back into the station, hand in hand. 

We went back into the interview room and all of the officers were there, apart from Teri, thank fuck. I swear to god I would've ended up punching the smug bitch in the face. 

"Hi Alyssa, James, welcome back. Can I just start by apologising on behalf of my colleague, the way she acted was very unprofessional and she should've treated you with more respect." said the other officer, Eunice I think her name was. She was a lot nicer than Teri. 

"It's cool, James calmed me down." I said, both of us looking at each other and smiling then taking our seats at the table. 

"Good I'm glad, I will be continuing the interview in her place," 

"I kinda guessed." I replied. 

"Okay well lets get back into it then shall we?"  

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