Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


        I can hear her yell something after I shut the door. I ignore it, and walk back towards my living room. That girl is incredibly annoying, I have no idea why I pushed her out of the way. Well... I really didn't want to watch someone get run over. I can't believe that was her dad.. No matter how annoying anyone is they don't deserve to be treated that way, especially by a parent. Her dad enrages me. Fuck. My mother used to tell me not to be so quick to judge other people, but then again, I moved away from her. I sigh as I sit down on the couch. My old habits call to me, aching for the high. I try to remain sober but before I know it, I'm inserting another needle, and passing out on my floor.


        When I look down, I notice yet another "track mark" as the people who understand drugs call it. I sigh and look at my feet as I sit cross legged on my bed. I have my pencil sharpener sitting beside me, screw driver next to it. My old habits call to me, aching for the pain. I look away from it, but before I can help myself I'm holding the screwdriver undoing the screw. I cannot believe my father almost ran me over, on purpose. As I slide the small, sharp blade over my wrist the small lines of scarlet follow, quickly becoming larger. I can almost admire the way they grow, unlike me they quickly become bolder. Tears sting my eyes, but it's not from the pain. It's from the self hate. From all of the nights spent like this one. I glance out my window and I gasp as I can see into the house next to mine. Jerrick's house. I see him walking into his.. bedroom I think. He looks over and see's me. I grab a towel and throw it over my arm, looking away. He furrows his eyebrows, trying to see. I wipe my cheeks and turn my back to him. I pull the towel away and bite it to stop the sobs. I can't have his room right next to mine. I'll go insane.. he frustrates me too much. He intrigues me too much..

My friends don't understand how I don't have a boyfriend. I do. I can't be with someone, who I'm supposed to trust my whole being with, and hide this from them. I can't let people know how truly fucked up I am. I remember how well that went over before.. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the thoughts. I can't help but think about how he used to torment me. I trusted him. I let him in and he broke me. We had to move towns.

Not long after that I started getting these random marks. I guess they're not that random, considering it's my "soulmate" getting them. Or is he/she giving them..? Oh lord I'm just going to confuse myself. I wrap the towe tighter around my wrist. I sigh, realizing I have school in the morning. I follow my normal nightly routine and get ready for bed. When I finally climb into my queen sized bed, and pull the covers up, I realize I am rather tired. I sigh, and ignore the stinging pain in my wrist. The cuts stopped bleeding but they still sting. I shut my eyes, and fall asleep soon after.

        I wake with a start, and quickly turn off my alarm. I peel my blankets back, and step out of bed. I walk over to my dresser, and pull out the first pair of pants, and long sleeved shirt I find. I head into the bathroom, and turn on the shower. I don't even let it heat up, I just step in. Sighing as the water gradually gets warmer, I look down to let it run against my back. I wash my hair, shave, and then wash my body before getting out. When I step out, I wrap a white fluffy towel around my body, and lean against the counter. I turn around and face the foggy mirror. I wipe it with my hand, and look at my blurry relflection. My eyes are too big, my lips are too thin, and my body is set weird. I turn around and dry off, before slipping into my clothing for the day. After blow drying my hair, and applying a bit of makeup, I'm ready for school. I sigh with happiness when I realize I only have a month of school left. 

        When I walk outside, I see Jerrick getting into his truck. Luke comes out of his house, and I meet him across the street. we walk to the bus stop, and wait together in silence. Well, until he talks."You cut again didn't you?" He asks, making sure there's nobody around.

"How'd you know?" I ask him in surprise. 

"When you reached up to fix your hair, I could see your wrist" He says, looking down as he kicks a rock onto the cracked road. 

"I.. I just couldn't handle things" I say, looking over at him through my hair. I tuck it behind my ear as the bus pulls up. We step on, and sit beside eachother. I lean into him, and appreciate the warmth he always carries. As we pull onto the main street, I see Jerrick's truck, pulling into the school parking lot. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I say quietly.

"What?" Luke asks.

"Jerrick. At our school." I sigh. Luke glances at his truck. 

"Don't stress about it" He assures me, as we stand up, and get off the bus.

         I walk into the school, and go straight to my locker. I unlock it, and shove my bag inside. I pull out my biology binder, a pencil, and my sketch book. I keep it here now, because when I left one at home, my dad found it, and burned it. I walk into my classroom and go to my designated seat. I'm early as usual. I open my sketch book, and continue my drawing of a wilting rose. Luke comes in, and sits beside me.

"Hey, you got a new book" He smiles. I nod, focusing on shading the edges of the petals. "You are such an amazing artist" He smiles.

"Thank you" I smile at him briefly before continuing. I stick my tongue out to the side, as I concentrate. My teacher; Mr. Willis, enters the room as the bell rings signalling the beggining of class. The couple of lates stuents file in, muttering quiet apologies. 

"Today class, we will be continuing studying the cell theory in depth." Mr. WIllis says. 

        After an hour of taking notes, and reading numerous paragraphs, we are dismissed. As I walk around the corner, Matthew, the biggest douchebag I've ever met walks into me. "Watch the fuck out!" He says, shoving me to the side. I fall, dropping my sketch book, and binder. 

"Fuck off Matthew!" Luke says, walking over to me. A few people snicker at my fall. I stare at the ground, quickly picking up my books. Luke tries to help me, but I tell him I'm fine. I stand up, and keep walking quickly, looking down so my hair hides my face.

"Hey!" Someone calls after me. I don't turn around for them I just run out of the door, and onto the soccer feild. They pursue me into the feild. 

"Fuck off!" I yell to the unknown person. I stop running once I reach the other end of the feild. I can see it's a guy following me, but he's not running anymore, just walking slowly. When he finally reaches me, I see that it's Jerrick.

"Who was that guy?" He asks standing infront of me.

"I don't know some guy that thinks he's cool, and pushes everyone around" I say.

"Are you okay?" He asks me awkwardly. I nod, and look down at my books. The bell rings.

"You should go. Don't be late on your first day" I say.

"You shouldn't be late either" He says, extending a hand to me. He helps me up and takes my books. We walk awkwardly to the school, and I discover we have my next class, photography, together. We walk to the class, and sit on oposite sides of the room. Our teacher informs us that we will be starting a partner project. 

"Lilac, you will be with Matthew" She says. Are you fucking kidding me.


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