She's Back

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Katie's POV

Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump. Thats all I could hear, my own heart pounding in my chest. I felt something poke my bottom lip and ran my tongue along it, Oh no. . .

Were those fangs in my mouth?! I looked at Harry who was still attached to Siana's neck, Wait, is that her name?

I started panicking and suddenly a delicious smell reached my nose, my mouth watered as I looked around for the food that was making the aroma rise into the air.

I accidentally bit my lip and instantly felt blood pulse out of it, my tongue swiped the drops away and I sighed in content.

Wait. Did I just. . .?

"Ahhh!" I just licked blood off of my lip and enjoyed it! That is not normal at all!

Siana fell to the ground and Harry turned to face me, his lips turning upwards slightly as he sauntered over to me, "You did it."

"Yeah you're right I did, I just drank my own freaking blood and loved it! What happened to me?!"

"This is the real you Katie, your memories will start coming back soon and it may hurt a little, but you'll get through it."

I started hyperventilating and fell to the floor, the smell of fresh, warm blood was becoming too strong for me to handle. "The real me. . . This is the real me, a vampire. I'm a vampire, I-I. . . Me, a vam. . ." You're a monster! What happened to your eyes mommy! Why is daddy not waking up?! "I'm a. . . monster."

Harry's eyes softened and he rubbed my back soothingly, "No baby, you're not. I know you, you wouldn't hurt a fly."

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks, my hands clutching my ripped t-shirt as if it was the last thing that tied me to my human life. "I'll hurt the children. . . their blood it, it smells so good!"

"Control it, I know it's hard but you have to keep the cravings on the down low."

In out, in out, in. . . out. Breathe Katie come on!

My loss of breath seemed to take over me, as the other demons held onto Harrys arms and legs, forcing him to stay still.

While the Master gasped for breath and Siana struggled to stay awake, the others had gathered their remaining strength to get to Harry and attempt to control him. But their struggles soon failed when he groaned and ripped himself free, and slammed Master back onto the ground with a sickening crack of his ribs, "Stay away from my family, if you don't leave now you will all die." He said and threw the broken man through out front door, "Out!" The other Demons scurried out of our home and into a pit of black.

"Ha, y-you almost got me there Harold. But I'm not quite finished yet!"

Siana stood on wobbly legs and leaned against the wall, with blood gushing out of her neck. Harry gently pushed me behind him and held my hand tightly, as he was afraid to lose me. Which was probably possible right now.

"Master will get her, even if it the last thing he'll do. He will kill you and take her to Master Sean. Just you wait. Kathryn will belong to Sean!"

Boom. A massive migraine pounded my skull like a boulder, memories came flooding back into my system and I collasped on the ground behind my husbands legs.

"Like I said, Sean will not touch her." My body broke out in a cold sweat, and I started to vomit with his voice echoing in my head, She's right, you will belong to me one day dear. You live forever and thanks to you carelessly releasing your venom into my system I will too. This is a promise to you my sweet, I will find you, and I will make you mine.



Well There you go Katie, your long awaited chappie :)

ANywho, comment what you thought of this chapter and also don't forget to vote and share with friends!!


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