Chapter 1 - Carrot Guy

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For our first chapter we already have a SIX PAGE one guys! Hoorah! XD -xx Enjoy!


Chapter 1 - Carrot Guy



“Mom, I’m off!” I yelled to my mum as I stood up from the dining table and slung my school bag onto my shoulder. Ruriko was still eating her breakfast which is her favorite cereal called Lucky Charms while watching the daily horoscope on the TV.


“Honey, you don’t need to shout. I’m right here.” Mom pointed out.


Actually, Mom was in the kitchen with us, leaning on the counter while reading the newspaper. Dad went to work early and I have to get to school early too because I have cheer practice. I’m the cheer captain, by the way.


I shrugged. “Eh, I feel like shouting Mom.” She sighed, “This early in the morning? Please spare my ears, Momo.” She said dramatically like my shouting was gonna chop her ears off.


Ruriko rolled her eyes and said seriously, “That’s what you get for having a daughter who’s in the cheerleading squad, Mom.” She said and shoved a spoonful of Lucky Charms in her mouth making her look like a chipmunk.  “So, that’s pretty normal I guess. Considering that all cheerleaders do is shouting, so their voices are like loud hailers.”


I scoffed, “Well hey now. We don’t just shout.” I say defensively. “We perform stunts too, mind you.” She just shrugged and finished her cereal. I grabbed a piece of toast on the plate, something to nibble on my way to school.


When I go to school early because of cheer practice, I walk to school but when I don’t have practice I normally take the bus. I was about to walk out from the kitchen and head to the front door when Ruriko spoke,


“Ah, its Taurus nee-chan. isn’t that your sign?” she pointed at the small TV placed on the kitchen counter. “Horoscopes aren’t true, Ruri.” I said. She frowned, “Yes they are and even if they’re not, listening won’t hurt you. They may not be accurate every time but sometimes they are!”


I smiled and shook my head, “You sure are mature for your age.” She smirked, happy that she acts so mature and stuff. I glanced at my watch, “I guess I can spare a few seconds. Horoscope announcements don’t take that long, anyways.” I sighed and leaned on the kitchen island.


“Tauruses are known for being strong, laid back and easy-going but can sometimes be very stubborn…”


Ruriko laughed. “Haha! That’s exactly what nee-chan is!” I pouted. Am I really that stubborn?


“Their daily horoscope today is…there will be arguments and headaches caused by a certain person but don’t worry, any plans made today will go smoothly. Love is found in many ways possible.”


What the heck? Love is found is many ways possible, that’s totally off-topic!


“Lucky color of the day is brown and lucky days are Wednesdays and bad days are Mondays. Unlucky color of the day is red.”


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