Part 3

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The New Kids

"So..." I said, "What is it about this dragon?"

We were still by the lake, but not in our secret spot.

"Well..." said Fiona, "You know how that dragon keeps attacking people?"

"Yeah..." I said

"Well... it's really aggressive, and we think that it either has a nest somewhere or it's really old, they are known to get aggressive," said Fiona,

"Hey Cosmo, Fiona!!!" shouted Tom "What are you doing?!?"

"None of your beeswax!" I said

"Talking about the dragon," said Fiona,

"What?!" I said 

 "Oh yeah. That big lump of scales?" said Tom

"Shhhh... it'll hear you and try to kill you." almost whispered Fiona

"Okay wait." I said confused "What's going on? Why haven't I heard of this dragon? I've been coming here for a year, why haven't I heard of this?" now I was getting really confused,

"It came here just this winter. And you know that dragons breed in the winter. So that is not that good of a sign." said Fiona

"Hmmm..." I said thinking hard about this. "Okay guys I am getting really tired," I said fake yawning

"But it's not even sunse-" said Fiona

"I know," I said cutting her off "I am really, really tired..." I said fake yawned again and ran off to my tent. 

Later that morning we had breakfast at our tents and I spent the morning practicing at the arena. That's where I blow off steam and lots of it. I guess I haven't told you about the arena, well it's a big circle where I and the other campers practice. Today it's just me, so I really got into sword fighting. I am pretty good at sword fighting, but not as good as Tom.

"What's wrong?" asked Balthazar as he walked into the arena "You are really attacking that dummy."

"I was thinking about this dragon..." I said trailing off,

"I know what you mean, you want to help but you don't know how," he said.

"Yeah, I want to help but-" 

 "HELP!!" I got cut off then by a little girl running towards us screaming she looked like she was 7 or 8, I saw someone else running behind her who looked like she or him, I couldn't tell, looked 15 or 16. "HELP, Help!!!!!!" she screamed and looked back as she was running and ran straight into me. She had red-brown hair. "Whoa, whoa," I said, "What's going on?"

"A... dragon... it... came..." she said then took a deep breath and passed out me and Balthazar gave each other a look, a few people came and watched us,

"Someone take her to the infirmary!! Quick!!" I shouted as I cursed under my breath, and a few people came and carefully took her away. As they were doing that the other person came up I asked him, it was a boy, he had red-brown colored hair.

"What happened? That little girl looked really, really scared"

"It was a dragon, we were walking here and all the sudden it was there in front of us." he said, "My name is Zeke, and that little girl was my sister, Cleo."

"She looked really scared, did it come after you or kill someone?" I asked

"No, she's really scared of dragons, I don't know why." he said "I guess that mother told stories about dragons that kill people and stuff like that, I was always in the barn or something"

"Hmmm..." said Balthazar who looked like he was thinking hard,

"We'll talk about this later. For now Tom here-" Tom was standing next to Balthazar-" will show you around camp."

"Okay," said Zeke as Tom lead him away.

"Who is that?" asked Fiona walking up with a dreamy look on her face. "Zeke," I said "He and his little sister just got here today. His little sister is named Cleo." I told Fiona about how Cleo and Zeke came to camp yelling and screaming, Zeke wasn't though. Just then Zeke and Ash came walking up,

"What are you doing?" I asked Ash, 

"None of your beeswax!" she shouted at me, then she leaned over to me and mouthed "He's mine." I must have looked pretty surprised because she laughed and walked away.

"Fine, jerk," I said and walked away with Fiona trailing behind me.

When I went to go get dinner I saw Ash and Zeke walking together towards the house.

"Ugggg..." I said

"What's wrong?" asked Fiona, who was walking behind me,

"Nothing... well, I guess Ash is being mean to me about Zeke, she leaned over to me and said 'he's mine.' what's that supposed to mean?" I said

"Ohh," said Fiona, "she thinks that you like him too." I could feel myself blushing, 

 "Hmph," I said and stomped away with my food.

As I walking towards my tent, just before I was going to cross the border the to girl section,

"Hey!" I looked behind me and saw Zeke running trying to catch-up with me, somehow he had gotten away from Ash, "What's your name? When I got here Tom lead me away from you to quickly, I didn't get to ask your name." he said, I could feel myself blushing.

"My name is Cosmo." I said "I can here yesterday, but I have been coming here for 2 years. Why did you come here?"

"I came here because this guy named the Shadow supposedly killed my father. My mother never really talked about him."

"I don't know..." I said trailing off remembering my dad.

"What's wrong?" asked Zeke

"Well... the Shadow killed my father too. You know what," I said, "You can ask Balthazar about lots of this stuff, I don't really like talking about this stuff. I am sorry. My food is getting as cold as a berserkers frost ax.

"Bye!" I said and quickly walked away. Gosh, that was embarrassing. I really didn't like stuff like that. Awkward conversations with new kids, bleck!

That night while I was sleeping I was woken by a strange sound. It sounded like a very low growl. All the sudden Fiona was in my tent hugging me.

"Did you hear that?" she asked. She sounded pretty worried.

"Yes, Fiona..." I said sleepily "I heard that. You know that we aren't allowed in other people's tents."

"Good!" she quietly exclaimed, "I'm not going crazy. And I know Cosmo. We aren't allowed in other people's tents, blah, blah, blah" then all the sudden we heard the low growl, again, closer. 

"EEKKKKK!" a muffled scream came from Fiona. I drew my sword, I always keep a sword close to me. Just in case.

Then an alarm went off. Camp got really confusing in one second.

Balthazar was shouting orders like, "Mike! Man the North Gate!" and "Cosmo and Fiona! You guard the infirmary!"

Whope! The infirmary the most boring job in the world, but Fiona looked relieved.

"Let's go!" I shouted to Fiona and a few other unlucky kids that were with me. As we ran to the infirmary, I saw an explosion of fire by the West Gate. 'Oh no...' I thought 'It's here.' and with one last burst of energy, we got inside the infirmary.

To Be Continued..................

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