stuff i found on a au prompt generator

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Rose: Those two are such dorks. Wait they like each other? LET'S LOCK THEM IN A CLOSET- Don't give me that look you knew what I was like when you asked me out

Rachel to Simon: I always write my phone number on the inside cover of my books because I always lose stuff and I do believe there are kind souls out there. You find the copy of one of my favourite novels and you call me and it turns out we live in different states/countries, like how the fuck did that even happen. Also, you don't think the ending was so great

DJ and Etsumi: We are both trying to prank our teacher at the same time and decided to team up

Mora to James: You got sauce on your white shirt and you're trying to scrub it out in the washroom when I walk in and see this hot stranger shirtless and it's Too Much I can't stop staring like an idiot

DJ: I don't need gasoline to burn stuff down, guys. All I need is these two hands and a lack of adult supervision

 Alex : These, sir, are STDs.
DJ: Uh, what are you talking about, buddy?
Alex: STDs. Save the dates!
DJ: Oh, right. Just out of curiosity, how many people have you given STDs to?
Alex: Lots. Like, a hundred  

Luci to Lilith:  When I die, I want you to lower me into my grave so that you can let me down one last time  

Axle: Apparently 'spite' is not an 'appropriate answer' to 'what motivates you?'

Quinn: When in doubt curl into the fetal position and give up on life

Alex: Maybe you've forgotten that I was the one who took the hottest girl in school to the prom. Rose: Because I told her you were dying  

Rachel: Sometimes I feel useless, but then I remember I breathe out carbon dioxide for plants

Franq Lee: Befriending me is just basically getting a front-row ticket to my easily-excited ass yelling about everything, always. Even if I'm not literally yelling I'm still, in spirit, yelling. That's the ticket you bought. You didn't ask for it but you got a backstage pass too, free of charge.

Info: I relate to the phrase 'chillin like a villain' because it shows that I am calm but also ready to sin  

Cyack: Hold my fucking hand, loser. We're using the buddy system for the rest of our lives

Khloe: My personality is gay and fucked up


Quinn: I like to think my dark under eye circles give me a certain MYSTIQUE. Who's that girl?? Why does she never rest?

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