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Astrid stood in the midst of the children, who all awkwardly stood around the 'game room' that Tony had made for the visit. The parents were upstairs in the living room discussing things that they refused to tell their children, which Astrid was confused to as why.

She leaned against the arm rest of where her younger brother sat, reading and flipping through his worn out spell book. Her younger sister walked aimlessly around the room, clearly unimpressed by the lack of fine architecture that would fill her tidy room.

She looked across the room and hummed softly. She met eyes with James, the boy she had a crush on when she was 8. He had the brightest of blue eyes, ones that seemed to be able to light up a room whenever he opened them. She realized that they had been staring at each other and she blushed and quickly looked away and scowled at herself. She was supposed to be a warrior, she was not supposed to fall for mortal boys.

She quickly got up from her position from leaning against the chair and began walking around the game room. She drummed her fingers along her thigh as she walked and made sure that she kept her walls up, just in case of an attack.

She felt a presence next to her and out of the corner of her eye she saw James and let out a steady breath.

"Astrid, right?" James asked softly as he looked over at her, brushing his blonde locks out of his eyes. "Yes." She said, looking over at him, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder. "You're James, correct?"

"Correct." He smiled a bit and nodded. She couldn't help but smile at how contagious his was as she looked back at the posters that hung up on the walls. "What is a Star War?" She mumbled as she scrunched up her nose at the thought of not being in a war in the stars.

"Oh, it's a movie. It's a really good movie." James said as he looked over at her and put his hands in front of him and interlocked his fingers. Astrid looked at him, furrowing her brows as she looked confused. "A movie? Is that the thing with the moving pictures on the box?"

James smiled a bit, he was used to explaining this sort of thing, since his father had never really gotten the hang of things either. "Yeah, they play it on the TV. But most of the time a lot of people watch them on their phones." He explained and she nodded slowly.

"I could show you some movies in the movie room if you want." He suggested; he had already explored around the tower before the other children had gotten there. "But you don't have to if you don't want to."

Astrid thought for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip. "Of course. That would be great." She said softly as she looked up at him. He smiled his signature "Golden Boy smile" (which made her weak in the knees) and gestured for her to follow him, which she happily complied to.


Ariana had somehow convinced Charles to go explore with her, and he didn't regret it one bit. They walked around slowly, and he got a chance to admire her while she looked around excitedly without his sister teasing him.

"It's been forever since we've been to this place." She said as she looked around. He nodded as he looked at her with a small smile. "Yeah, it's definitely something to get used to." He agreed.

She smiled back at him over her shoulder before looking ahead again. "What do you think Tony summoned our parents here for?" He asked softly as he looked over at her and she stopped and turned to look back at him. "I don't know. Mom says it's just business, but I don't really believe that." She admitted, looking up at him with her juniper green eyes.

"Yeah, I don't think anyone just comes in the middle of October for 'business.' But who knows, our parents our weird." He shrugged as he looked down at her. "Maybe." She said softly. "Or maybe something happened and the Avengers need to assemble again." She suggested.

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