part 1

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I was terrified. I was strapped to a wheel, my stomach was becoming a twisted mess, and the raging fire demon coming closer with every step had me petrified.

"Please! I swear it was just a joke!"

"Shut up! You aren't allowed to even joke about kissing anyone, especially Star. You got that, Diaz?"

My body trembled as Tom forcefully ceased the wheel's spinning by grabbing the neck line of my hoodie. "I forbid you to have any kind of romantic relation with anyone!"

I blinked, masking my fear with my growing confusion, "W-what?"

His grip on my jacket tightened as his hands ignited and yanked me forward, hurting my shoulders from the pressure and awkward angle. I winced when he brought up his free hand to my jaw, tightly taking hold and digging his claws into my flesh. "Do you understand me, Diaz? No one. Absolutely no one!"

Wanting this pain to stop before he can actually draw blood and make it worse, I do my best to nod as salty tears begin to burn my eyes. Luckily I don't think Tom noticed when he finally released his hold on me, dropping me back into my limp position against the wheel.

"Don't you dare forget it."

I held back a sniffle, knowing it would draw attention to my struggle to detain my tears. It was just a joke.

"Pl-lease Tom." I beg. "Please let me go, this hurts."

My heart sinks when he scoffs. "Consider it punishment."

A heavy sigh slips past my lips as I let my head hang limply on my shoulders. Air becomes trapped within my lungs when I feel the warm water finally begin to cascade down my face, luckily my unruly bangs are on my side for once and help to hide my eyes.

"Please Tom...." A dose of butterflies infiltrated my stomach when he growled, his body refusing to cool down. He looked like he was ready to turn me into nothing but a pile of ash, but I have to know. Why did he say 'anyone'? "Why can't I be with anyone? I can understand Star, you love her, but-"

"I don't."

I bit my tongue at his interruption. His statement having no context. "You don't what?" My tears began to make my face itch.

"I don't love Star. Not anymore..."

I had a feeling I would regret this but...I'm already strapped to a wheel. Oh well. "What changed your mind?" I asked, pressing the side of my face to my shoulder in an attempt to wipe away some of the salty water, burning my skin and eyes. Once my eyes were closed, I felt a warm hand lay against the other side of my face. Instantly I opened my eyes and lifted my head.

"I went too far, didn't I?" Tom muttered as he used his thumb to push away the tears from my other eye. A sad look in his three eyes and only a few inches away from having our noses touch. I look away without giving a definitive answer, but not without noticing that my expression failed to give him any confidence. He sighed; reaching up to unlatch my arms, then my legs and finally my midsection, grabbing hold of my waist to lower me back to the ground without incident.

He placed his hands on either side of my face, trying to get me to look at him. While he succeeded in getting my face turned towards him, I kept my still slightly puffy, red, irritated eyes on anything but him.

"Marco, please," he sighed once more. "I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just-" He froze, choking on his words once I gave him my full attention.

"Just what?"

I could practically see the gears turning in his head, scrounging for the perfect answer as he bit his lip so hard it began to bleed ever so slightly.

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