Part 4

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"I'm home!"

I smiled at the call, Marshmallow instantly leaving his place next to my feet to jump in his owner's arms.

"Ah! Hey, Marshmallow! Were you a good boy, today? Where's Marco?"

"I'm in here, Tom! Dinner's almost ready."

"You made dinner?" He smiles, walking in and placing his free hand on my waist. "Awesome, I'm starved."

As if on cue his stomach growls and he chuckles when I glare at him. "You forgot to eat lunch didn't you?"

"Aww, c'mon, Bunny. Don't look at me like that. It was a busy day, besides, if I ate lunch then I'd have less room for your delicious cooking!" He smirk's kissing me on the cheek.

I blush slightly and take the pot off the stove. "Oh please." I sigh, placing a fair amount into a bowl of rice for him. "It's just gumbo...I've made it a thousand times..."

He smiles and takes the bowl, giving me a kiss on the nose. "I know, but it's that fact that you made it that makes it so good." He chuckles and takes a seat at the table. "To be honest I'm surprised you don't just make your oh-so-famous nachos all the time."

I blush once more as I take a seat next to him. "W-Well we can't o-only eat nachos! You'd get sick of them e-eventually."

He smiles, kissing me once more before mixing the rice and gumbo together before eating.

They say that no matter what you'll always be your own worst critic but god...I could've done so much better. I didn't add nearly enough vegetables, and it was way under seasoned. Not to mention I don't think I cooked the rice all the way. Of course though, without fail Tom smiled, and kissed me on the neck. Telling me that it was another flawless meal, even asking for seconds. Is there nothing this man won't eat?

It was getting late, and Marshmallow had already hopped into his cage for the night and was ringing his bell in an attempt to get us to agree with him and turn off the lights.

Tom smiles and finally gives in to his request, switching off the T.V. as well as the living room lights. "Ready for bed Bunny?"

"Um..y-yeah." I smile nervously, still trying to figure out a way to put my plan into action. I get to my feet so I can join him in our bed room, but before I can even get one step in, he sweeps me off my feet and slings me over his shoulder.

"Ah! T-Tom! What are you doing?" I scream, clinging to the back of his shirt. My face bright red as one arm holds down my legs, the other hand placed on my butt for support to keep me from falling.

"I'm carrying you to bed, obviously." He smiles as he carries me to our room and tosses me onto the bed, making me squeal slightly when I'm air borne for a split second. He chuckles, dropping his heavy body over my own. "You're just too adorable, y'know that?"

I blush and look away. "I-I am not!"

"Only adorable people say that."

I feel my face heat up even more, he's always doing these things. Saying such flattery and making me feel all weak like this.

"Marco...~" he whispers, slipping his hands up the back of my shirt. "You got my note from this morning right?"

I nod, trying to avoid look him in the eyes right now.

"Well, is last night really just a rare occasion or-"

"I wanna do it."

I turn to look at him when I hear him physically choke on the air in his lungs. An expression of pure disbelief and shock etched on his face. His purple skin turning a faint pink.

"Y-You wah?"

"I wanna do it." I could feel my sudden burst of confidence rapidly slipping away. "T-This isn't c-cause of Star. I w-wanna p-please you."

He frowns, his chipper mood souring slightly. "Marco, I'm not going to do those things to you if you only want to do them out of fear that you don't make me happy. I've already said this." He whispers, reaching up and gently rubbing my cheek. "When you are truly ready then we will. But until then, stop forcing yourself. You're a virgin, Bunny. I want you to be one hundred percent sure that I'm the man you want to give that to. You don't get a second chance with something like that." I bend my neck so he can kiss my forehead more comfortably. "Understand?"

I nod, curling up against his chest.

He's right. I'm still too scared considering last night nearly gave me a heart attack alone.

I'm tired anyway.

Maybe next time.

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