Part 2

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I sat up, running my hands through my hair, the warm fuzzy bed sheets rippling with every movement I make. Smiling, I look down at the sleeping demon next to me; his purple flesh hot to the touch, but perfect for snuggling late at night. And then I realize.

It's two in the morning.

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair to rest on the back of my neck. I did it again. My body tenses when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist to pull a head of wild pink hair onto my lap, his horns poking my stomach.

"Whas th'matter, Bun..."

Great. I woke him again...

"Sorry. Just couldn't sleep."

He yawns, making his razor sharp canines glisten in the moon light that slips past the curtains.

"Nm...Is th'third su'yr 'k?"

He's kinda hard to understand when he's like this but I can't really blame him. And he's right. This is the third night in a row that I've accidentally woke him up just cause I couldn't sleep. I don't know why, I just can't. He and I had been dating for at least a year now and I had stayed over countless times, but now it's different. Now this is our bed, and our house. I'm not just visiting and going back to my parents in the morning. I'm living with him. Maybe it's just my conscious trying to get me to finally go past the hand holding-kissing stage and actually go for a home run instead.

It kinda scares me to know that we live together and I still won't even let him do anything but kiss me, and only in the morning when we wake up and before we go to sleep. I can see he's getting frustrated, but he's kept calm. He refuses to get angry.



"Am I a bad boyfriend?"

His head suddenly jerks up, his ruby orbs glowing in the night. He's wide awake now. I instantly avoid his stare, concerned that he might see the fear in my eyes.


"I-I just...I um...." I sighed, whispering, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. Forget I asked." before laying back down with my back facing him.

"No. No, no, no. Come here." He lifts me onto his lap, combing his fingers through my hair. "What's wrong? Where did all this come from?"

"It's nothing."

"It's obviously something, otherwise you wouldn't be crying."

I blink, placing my fingers over my eyes to feel warm water leaking from them. I hadn't even realized. "I-it's no-"

"Don't say it's nothing, Marco. Tell me what's wrong."

I sighed, leaning my head against his chest. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"But I'm taking so long."

"What are you talking about?"

Tightening my grip on his white tank top, I bury my face into the crook of his neck. "Our relationship...I'm sorry I'm taking so long. I-...I wanna say yes but-"

"Marco calm down. You're hyperventilating..." He whispered, rubbing my back in soothing circles. "I don't care how long you take. If you aren't ready then we aren't gonna do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Understand?"

I nodded, taking a few deep breaths to help ease his nerves. He's so scary, but...when I'm near him, it's like he's a completely different person. He never shows any kind of compassion to anyone, not even Star. She's told me that when they were together he acted the same as when he and I first met, but now, I'm always on the receiving end of never ending kindness, and love.

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