Chapter Four

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Picture of Rhyson on the side -->


“Melissa!” I scream, my voice hoarse through the pain. “Melissa!”

I start to crawl towards her, but the pain gets worse. Looking down at my left hand, I see a huge gash across it. My stomach twists at the sight of my skin ripped open, revealing the bone underneath. Not wanting to see what other damage I have, I look back up at my best friend, whose lying motionless on the ground.

“Help!” I shriek, looking around for someone, anyone. In the distance, the car that hit us drives away, kicking up dirt in the distance as it doesn’t bother to stop and help us. “Somebody help!”

When I reach her, I’m almost too scared to do anything. Adrenaline pulses through my veins, keeping me from passing out as I rise onto my knees. I lean over Melissa, gripping her shoulders over her dark brown hair. However I only give her one good shake before I turn away and empty my stomach.

The half of her head that I couldn’t see is gruesome. I couldn’t see it before, but now, I can see everything that’s supposed to be inside her spilled out onto the pavement, creating some twisted picture.

The view of her cracked open head is something I know I’ll never be able to forget. It will replace all the pictures of her, the memories so all that remains is he image of her lying dead on the ground.

There’s a small moment when realization hits me before I feel my eyes roll back in my skull. My best friend, the only one I’ve ever had, is dead.



I feel someone shake my shoulders, but I refuse to wake up. If I do, I’ll just get the news I don’t want to hear finalized.

“Gemma, get the hell up! We’re going to be late!”

Suddenly my eyes fly open and I jerk right up in my bed, bumping my forehead right into Ember’s. For a moment, I just blink at her, wondering what just happened and then the pain hits me.

“That hurt,” I mutter, rubbing my head. Ember mimics me, shooting me a glare.

“Next time I’ll keep my distance. You missed breakfast, you know,” she says, climbing off my bed. “Why didn’t you come?”

The mud incident and the lake come back to me as I place my feet on the floor. Rubbing my eyes, I mumble a response that really doesn’t explain anything.

“Anyways, we have to get to art. Ready to go?” I shake my head as I try to put myself together but Ember doesn’t take no for an answer. “Well, too bad,” she laughs, yanking me to my feet. I don’t have time to get anything as she drags me to the cabin door.

Outside, the rain has died down a bit. Flicking up our hoods, we descend the steps and head onto the side of the trail, making sure to avoid the mud. After cleaning myself up at the lake, I returned to the cabin and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a purple hoodie, happy for the clean warmth. By the time I was done wringing out my hair, breakfast was half over, and I didn’t see the need in going.

“I’m guessing you’re tired?” Ember asks, moving in front of me to squeeze through a small patch of clean grass.

“I’m not used to going to bed before it’s early in the morning,” I mutter, pulling the ends of my sleeves up over my fingers.

“None of us were at first. You’ll get used to it though.” She gives me a smile but I don’t return it as I stare at the ground. “So tell me,” she continues quietly. “Were you having a bad dream or something?” When I meet her eyes, she looks concerned. “You were whimpering and stuff,” she shrugs, and I return the gesture.

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