Chapter Twenty-Eight

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        A/N: I entered this in the Watty Awards under Teen Fiction, but I'm wondering if I should change it to Mystery? You guys know better than I do, so please comment and let me know what you think! :)


        I slip out the door of the mess hall, ignoring the protests from the other Haven kids who had to stick behind after dinner. I take one of the trails that are not usually busy with kids and walk quickly to my cabin. When reach it, I move into the tree’s, waiting for Ember to come out. Once she’s gone, I slip inside.

            Underneath my bunk, I pull out a notepad and pen. Scrawling the words on the paper, I reread it once before ripping it out. Placing it under my pillow, I make sure it’s where I can see it before heading back to clean up after dinner.

Do you see her dead blue eyes every time you close your own?


            Taking a black, permanent marker from one of the desks in art class, I take my seat at the back of the class, moving my pink cast under the table. Only a few other Haven kids are here so they won’t notice.

            I write another message to myself and throw the marker away. Mellissa would want this; she wouldn’t want me to forget what I did. She wouldn’t want me to act like it didn’t happen when it’s my fault.

Do you hear her screams when you fall asleep?


            I slip the note into my art folder, knowing it will drive me insane later. I’m the only one who doesn’t know; the only one who is in the dark about what’s really going on. Will it drive me mad? Will I go insane? Maybe I will even kill myself when I can’t take it anymore.

Everyone knows but you.


            I lean back on my bunk. I’m drifting off to sleep, unable to keep myself up much longer. Pulling the notepad out from under her bed, I write the final note. After I’ve ripped the paper out, I place it directly on my stomach.

            I’m not allowed to live without the remorse.

            Mellissa, now Danny. Who’s the next person you’re going to dismember, Gemma? Will it be Rhyson?


            I hide in the bushes as Rachel runs down the trail, laughing in fear. Once she’s gone, I head into the cabin, ready to leave another note. However as soon as I step in the door, I’m actually shocked.

            Scarlett lies on the floor, blood pooling around her. As if I wasn’t excited enough to make myself feel worse before, now I have an even better idea. I lean down to Scarlett, meeting her eyes. She barely sees me and I doubt she’ll remember this.

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