Chapter Twenty

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        “Ember!” I call, chasing her down the trail. “Ember, wait up!”

            She runs faster, trying to get away from me. After she picked herself up off the ground, she threatened Danny, who slowly left and took off.

            “And when I do stop, what are you going to do?” She calls back, her voice different than usual. “Beat me up? Cut me up with that knife you’re holding? There’s too many of you and only one of me, Gemma!”

            I look down at my hands and then look around, confused. I’m not holding a knife, and unless I’m the one on drugs, there’s only one of me and I’m sure of that.

            “You’re hallucinating, Ember.” I slow to a walk and when she sees me not chasing her, she slows down too, matching my pace. We’re a distance apart. “I don’t have a knife and there’s only one of me.”

            “Maybe you’re right,” she shrugs, watching me closely as she walks backwards. I’m not sure where we are, it’s too dark to tell. “But I’m not high enough not to know that you’re seriously pissed. As soon as you reach me, you’re going to beat me up until I tell you.”

            “No,” I reply, shaking my head. “But we can talk right now.” I stop and Ember copies me, but not before taking a few extra steps away. “Just tell me why you’re hiding this from me and things will go back to normal.”

            Several minutes go by as she studies me closely. Eventually, I just start to think it’s the drugs. For all I know, right now she can be watching two other versions of me having a tea party.

            “Do you promise?” I nod and she sighs. “You’re my best friend, Gemma.” She meets my gaze but something else is in her eyes, and whatever it is, it sure isn’t sincere.

            “No, Melody and Scarlett are,” I remind her. “And I don’t have a best friend. Not anymore.”

            “Oh come on,” she whines, throwing her hands in the air. “Mellissa is dead! Get over it already! It’s time to move on!”

            “You’re just making me angry, Ember,” I snap, my hands clenching into fists at my sides.

            She takes a few steps towards me, a grin on her lips and anger in her eyes. This time I take a few steps back, wanting to distance myself from her. Any sign of the sober Ember I’m used to is completely gone, and in her place is someone I’m unfamiliar with.

            “So now you’re the one afraid?” She asks, smiling wider. “What do you think I’m going to do? Push you? Attack you? Hit you with a car?”

            My eyes grow wide and she starts laughing, one that’s completely different from the laugh I constantly hear.

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