Chapter 4: Chris

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"You're the music guy/girl?!" we said in unison, surprised.
As we pulled apart from each other, he asked me ,"What's your name and how old are you?"
"I'm Micaia Laurent. But just call me Cai. I'm 18. What's your name and how old are you?"
He extended his right arm to me, saying," I'm Chris. Chris Hills. I'm also 18."
For a split second, we smiled at each other. Whew.
"Urm... so!" Chris said, playing with his fingers, blushing slightly.
Aww.. he's so cute when he blushes!
He's obviously trying to continue the conversation.
"Uh, yeah, s-so I'm the b-babysitter of Heather." I said, stuttering.
But WHY was I stuttering?!Embarrassing.
"Oh, okay. I was kinda wondering why you were here, so yeah." he said, as he brushed his hair slightly.
I couldn't help but notice how cute the guy in front of me was.
"Uh-huh." was my only response.
'What's wrong with you, Laurent? Why can't you speak?!' says my subconscious.
Ugh, shut up.
'I'll shut up if you speak up.'
I was having a little fight with my subconscious, when Chris cleared his throat.
"Umm... so, I'm sorry for the skateboard, I should've put it somewhere else." he apologized sincerely.
"No biggie. So... I thought your mom told me, or should I say, us, that you have band practices." I said. I couldn't help but wonder.
"I went home early because one of my band mates, not to mention, the drummer, had to leave early because his dad called him for some sort of urgent confidential thing."
"Oh okay. But what do you have to practice for?"
Okay, so now I'm interrogating him. Ugh.
'Stop yourself from asking' says my subconscious.
Oh, so now you want me to save my questions, when a while ago, you were telling me to speak up, for you to shut up?!
'Kind of like that'
Annoying subconscious.
"Well, there's an upcoming songwriting music competition in this city, and we're joining." he answered, snapping me out of my convo with my subconscious.
"That's nice." I complimented.
"Yeah. I know. Actually, auditions are still open." he stated.
"Yup. You could perform as a soloist or with another person or more people."
"Well, I've always loved songwriting and singing."
"That's good. May I hear you sing at least a line from a song?"
I was about to open my mouth to sing a line from my fave song, but I got interrupted when...
"-Cai! What's taking you so long?" asked Lisa, her voice coming from upstairs.
"Um, that's my bestfriend, or should I say, my co-babysitter." I said softly.
His mouth formed an 'o' shape.
"Cai?! Come up here." Lisa prompted, her voice a bit louder.
"Okay, okay wait!" I replied.
Chris said," I'm going upstairs, too, to my bedroom. Let's go."
We walked upstairs in total silence, but it was a companionable silence, not an awkward one.
"I'll go change first, kay?" said Chris.
I wondered how he looked like when he was shirtless... er...WHAT?
I acknowledged with a nod and a slight smile that lasted for a second too long.
"Who were you talking to?" said Lisa, appearing beside me.
I wiped my smile off.
"I was talking to a guy who's also 18. He's Heath's brother, and he's also the one who I bumped into at Tune-riffic. He went home early because his band's drummer had to leave for an urgent confidential thingy, according to the guy, or should I say, Chris." I explained, going inside Heath's room.
Lisa followed behind me. I can already feel her mischievous smile.
And was I ever so right, when I turned around and saw the grin plastered on her face.
"That look again, Lisa. Tsk, tsk, tsk!"
"Hey, hey! You can't blame me!"
"Shut up. He's in the room beside this room we're in," and I, ever the spontaneous one, added,"He's changing his clothes."
My hand flew up to my mouth, as I gasped. Sh*t!
That seriously wasn't the right thing to say. And it really wasn't.
Lisa laughed, and in between taking breaths said,"And you-" deep breath "-did you daydream-" another deep breath "-about his body?"
"You better shut up, you nuthead."
She composed herself (finally) and tried to make her slightly green thoughts vanish, as I suspect, because she shook her head, her hair slightly getting messed up, then falling to her shoulders in cascades.
I've always loved her hair; soft, silky, flowy and has luxurious body.
I'm not saying mine's not, but her hair's still better.
I snapped out of my deffo girly thoughts as I heard a knock on the door.
Lisa opened it, and in came Chris.
He smelled of perfume with clean notes... wait, was he revving my engine with his attractive perfume? (Well, duh.)
Lisa muttered "oh" upon seeing who was knocking, then she turned to me and gave me a knowing, naughty look.
Why did she have to be so guy-crazy? It seems as if it's my responsibility to totally put up with her attitude.
Like before, when we were at the amusement park, she practically dragged me to make me talk a popular hot celeb into taking a pic with a her... it turns out he was checking me out the whole time I was talking. His name was, I don't know. I totally forgot.
Going back to the moment, Chris actually smiled, shook hands with Lisa, then said,"Im just gonna get my iPad. I think I left it in this room the last time I babysat Heather... I don't know, I'm so disorganized, y'know?"

We smiled at him.
I don't know why, but Lisa just told me she had a fetish for disorganized, yet cute boys.

Hi guys! I am, like, SO SORRY for not updating. I get writer's block a lot, you know? I bet it's obvious, of course. But yeah, it's weird, but yeah, Lisa is kind of into disorganized boys, because they're more unpredictable... and unpredictable is thrilling... and new and refreshing.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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