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Jimin's POV//

It was a day just like any other. I woke up, had a quick look out through my window to see if Yoongi was awake yet (which he, of course, wasn't) and then I got prepared for yet another day in school. They seemed to be passing quicker as of late, for better or for worse I didn't know, but I was positive it had to do with the fact that I had Yoongi to come home to. Which is so disgustingly affectionate that it almost made me puke just thinking about it.

Mum kissed me goodbye and Harold waved me off with his morning paper. It might be a weird thing to think, but I - at that moment - hated how normal we were. I looked at our perfectly cut grass and bushes, then over at Yoongi's house with their unkempt lawn and half-dead flowers in the garden. It made me chuckle, which was more than our garden had ever made me do.

As mentioned, the day flew by and before I knew it I was sitting on the bus home. It was close to empty, as usual, and yet I chose to stand up. I had a convulsive grip on the thing hanging from the roof and I kept virtually every muscle in my body tensed, just for the hell of it. Suddenly I realised that something was cutting through the music I was listening to, someone was calling me. I dropped my bag to the floor in favour of keeping my other hand on the roof-thing and picked my phone out of my pocket.

"Yeah?" I caught a glimpse of the caller id so I knew that it was Jeongguk, and he knew that it was me that he was calling, so no need for an introduction.

"Jimin! I know I told you that I wouldn't tell you any more amazing stories, but I feel obliged to tell you this one." I chuckled and nodded to myself, even though I knew that Jeongguk couldn't see it, I also knew that he could sense it. That's the kind of superpowers you get when you've been with someone for too long. "I know you weren't listening, but if by chance you remember the girl that turned out to be a guy and the epic events that followed, I'm moving in with him and his friends! I'm gonna get my own flat Jimin! Well, not exactly but..."

I didn't mean to zone out that time, but Jeongguk's words had once again started to spin around in my brain and I couldn't concentrate on how happy Jeongguk was, only on how miserable I felt. "You're moving?" Silence fell over the phone call before Jeongguk responded, clearly less enthusiastic.

"Yeah? To the big city." Jeongguk chuckled, and I would've too if I weren't stuck in my current mindset. "But don't worry about me, dude! I'm gonna be twenty soon, an old man, I can take care of myself. And I've got friends to take care of me too!" Jimin smiled weakly and leaned against a nearby pole.

"I'm sure you'll be fine, Gguk." I refrained from using 'Kookie' as it seemed a bit too childish for the context. "Can't believe you're moving out before me, brat." There was a certain bitter undertone to my voice, but it seemed to go unnoticed by Jeongguk as he only laughed and continued to talk about his new flatmates.

I, surprisingly enough, didn't feel like a burden as I cried into Yoongi's shoulder. Maybe because he didn't say anything, didn't ask any questions, he simply sat there and ran his fingers over my skin with the lightness of a feather. He didn't try to squeeze an explanation out of me, he simply took me into his arms once I'd broken down in the middle of his room. He let it come naturally.

"Jeongguk is moving." Yoongi hummed as I squeaked out the words that burned in my throat as I said them, ached in my head as I thought them over again. "Not that far away, I suppose, but he's moving away. He has new friends that I don't even know the name of, he- he-" I hiccuped and sniffed, sobbed and thrashed around. Over dramatic. Unnecessary. I think I broke Yoongi's bed in one place as I slumped back down on it. "I'm jealous,"

The silence was annoying me now, I didn't understand why Yoongi couldn't just tell me I was being stupid, childish, that I should get over it. Shit like this happens in life, besides, it's not like Jeongguk and I will never see each other again just because he moves. I moved. And we're fine.

"Why did you move here?" I wasn't even surprised that Yoongi had read my mind.

I heaved a big sigh as I fell back on Yoongi's bed. "Mum and Harold thought it would save their marriage," I huffed. "Just like they thought getting a child would and look where that got us." Yoongi laughed, actually laughed, and I glanced over at him to make sure I didn't mishear that because no one understood my self-deprecating jokes. Exactly zero people. "But at least... I met you, and stuff."

"Wow, I feel so appreciated." Yoongi rolled his eyes and I smiled, because maybe he understood? It seemed like he did. "But now that you've calmed down a bit I've just got to say - please consider the fact that I'm awful at comforting people - you'll be fine. Everything'll make sense one day, maybe not today or tomorrow or even next year, but someday it's going to click. And I promise that." My smile grew wider by the second and had it been anyone else than Yoongi I would've probably punched them or something, everything will be alright, bullshit. But coming from him, it sounded right. "And if I'm wrong I owe your grandchildren £500."

On a day, today, that had looked so helplessly grey, I started to laugh. Wholeheartedly and loudly as I rolled over on the bed to wrap my arms around Yoongi. He started to laugh with me as he rambled about how £500 might not be that much, but it's the best he can offer, and I felt my heart rate quicken and my cheeks heat up and my body regain its energy.

I felt truly happy.


hinting at some stuff in this one

good luck finding what I'm actually hinting at though lmao

thank you for your patience and thank you for reading!


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