The bitter one

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A few minutes later, Hoseok came back inside. He didn't say anything, until Namjoon asked what they wanted.

He shrugged, "They just wanted to say hi, I guess."

"Really?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow, Hoseok sat down and slurped up some soup, burning his tongue. Tea laughed, oblivious as to what they were talking about.

"So I presume everything is cool between you and Jungkook now?" Namjoon continued with a sturdy tone.

"Of course." Hoseok said, but Taehyung felt the tension build up like the calm before a storm. They stared at each other. It was unsettling to see the bright Hoseok turning so serious.

Yet he was the first to break the silence. He dropped his spoon into the soup, spilling a few drops at the wooden table, leaning backwards and folding his arms, glaring out the window. Even though Taehyung was partly blocking his view.

Despite the lack of knowledge and uncomfort, Tae was happy they were comfortable enough to be talking about these things, while he was there.

Namjoon was patient and didn't say anything. Making it so Hoseok had to speak his mind.

"He is the bitter one.." He finally muttered.

"Really?" Namjoon instantly cut in "then what do you call this?"

Hoseok frowned and faced namjoon again. However, he didn't seem hurt by his harsh wording.

"He started it!" He exclaimed.

But once again, Namjoon didn't show mercy, he scoffed and leaned backwards. Taehyung was rather surprised to see namjoon respond this way, it was like watching a father and his son. He decided to act as though he wasn't listening.

"Both of you sound like children. I can't have you fighting like this forever, it's really counterproductive!"

"We're not fighting..."

Namjoon growled loudly and sank back in his chair. Hoseok wasn't as confident anymore. Hence the atmosphere was slowly softening.

"What is this even about anymore?" He said.

"What is this even about anymore?" He said

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Hoseok hesitated this time, "I think.." he started "he was angry because I gave my trophy to Suga.. but it might have escalated at this point" he cautiously brushed a finger over the spilled soup at the table, and sucked it afterwards.

Namjoon sighted again and scanning his actions.

"I'm sure this will be over soon. You- Both of you just need to suck it up and talk." His last words were soft and caring. Hoseok smiled shyly back.

They ate in silence for a while, until Taehyung saw it fit to say something witty and dumb, making them laugh, from there they stared talking again. As he walked home in the deep sunset that evening, he felt incredibly happy.

It isn't everyday you meet people that make you feel like you've known them for years.

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