One step at a time

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About a week had passed since Gabriel had gotten sick and once again Essie had found a way to adjust. Instead of travelling between the kitchen and Gabriel's room, she had become his personal nurse and her focus was on his full recovery. The short time had seemed like a month as the days dragged on in the confines of the room.

Things might have been easier but whatever illness Gabriel had contracted seemed to have affected his ability to move his left leg fully. Essie was helping him to walk around the room, hoping that he would regain the ability to move his leg and they had made some progress but some days Essie felt like nothing had been accomplished.

Still they stuck it through and Essie was adamant that he was going to recover so she put up with Lisbeth's annoying conversation as she fussed over her older brother and conveniently disappeared to clean the water closet whenever Massa dropped in.

On more than one occasion they had quarrelled, provoked by Gabriel's frustration with his disability and Essie's intolerance for his foolishness. Presently, Essie was trying to avert one of these arguments from occurring but Gabriel seemed bent on working her last nerve.

"Gabriel, just one more time." She tried to reason with him. "Ya made it around twice already, tha third time's the charm."

"Esther, I told you I'm not doing it again." Gabriel shot back from his seat on the edge of the bed. "I'm tired and I can't do it."

"So you just gone give up." Essie taunted, frustration taking control of her. "You just gone sit there and act like a baby."

"How about you just mind your business, Esther." Gabriel snapped. "And don't you dare call me a baby either."

"Mind my business?"Essie laughed sarcastically. "You want me to mind my business? You're my business smartypants! The only business I got is what Massa tell me to do so I'm sorry if you doesn't like it, Mister."

"Look I don't want to argue with you." Gabriel huffed, burying his head in his hands.

"Naw we can argue cause I ain't got nothing else to do stuck in this damn room all day!!!" Essie shot back without thinking. "I'm tired of ya shit!"


That was all that could be heard after Essie's outburst and instantly she regretted it. She knew she had gone too far and there would be consequences. Gabriel raised his head and stared at her for a few seconds. She knew that she was going to be in big trouble and the thought to run and get as far off the plantation as possible filled her mind.

"Come here." Gabriel instructed, his voice husky as he looked her straight in the eyes.

She didn't move...she couldn't move, and he repeated the instruction again. This time she managed to put one foot in front the other. She was sure that he was going to hit her or send he out to the fields to be whipped, hell...Massa had killed slaves for less than that and the scars criss crossing her back reminded her of the fate of outspoken slaves.

She stopped just in front of him holding her breath and closing her eyes in preparation for the blow. Instead she felt his hands cool around her wrists as she trembled in fear at his touch.

"I'm sorry Esther." Her eyes flew open in disbelief as she heard the words coming from his mouth. "I shouldn't have started this stupid argument in the first place."

He was looking up at her, every emotion visible on his eyes and still she refused to believe it, not wanting to fall into any trap that he might be laying with his words.

"I know that you just want me to get better and sometimes I make it difficult for you." He apologized, playing with her fingers. "I'm sorry Essie."

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