chapter four

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my three best friends sat across from me at the picnic table, eyes on me, waiting for me to tell them the details of last night's date with ethan. i pulled out sandwiches from the picnic basket and placed them in the middle of the table for them to take, which they didn't, until i would talk about my date. i rolled my eyes before letting out a sigh. 

"what do you wanna know?" i asked, getting ready for the questions to come flying at me like bullets were being fired. 

"how is he?" "did you kiss?" "did he treat you well?" "where did he take you?" "is he hot?" "are you going on another date?"

i glanced at all three of my friends, not knowing where to start. "he's fine, no we didn't kiss, yes, he treated me well, he took me to the drive-in diner, yes, he's hot, and i have no idea if we're going on a second date," i said all in one breath, before taking a bite out of my sandwich. my three best friends groaned at how vague my answer was. 

"i swear you're the worst when it comes to gossip and relationships," addie mumbled under her breath, not expecting me to hear it, but i did, loud and clear, and i shot her a glare. she shot one back, as she grabbed a sandwich, unwrapping it from the saran wrap. 

"did you at least have fun?" corinna asked with her mouth full and i grimaced, hating the fact that she felt the need to talk with her mouth open. "or got to know each other?" she finished.

"yeah, it was a lot of fun," i began, "we got to know each other really well, and he did hint at the fact that he wanted to go on a second date," i finished, smiling at the thought of another date with ethan dolan. 

my friends cheered and yelled in excitement when i told them that there was a chance of a second date, and i couldn't help but burst out into a grin, and then slight embarrassment at how loud they were being. 

"you have to get that second date, girl," corinna said, taking a bite of her sandwich. "this is the first time you've been on a date since chris and this needs to work." i laughed, knowing it was true, and i opened my mouth to agree, when melody said something that caught my attention. 

"what's happening over there?" melody said, staring and pointing off into the distance. i turned around, my eyes searching for something that was out of the ordinary, and i spotted it. by the huge fountain, there was a huge group of girls that was screaming that yelling for attention. from where we sitting, it was barely audible, but if you listened close enough, you could just barely hear it. we gave each other a look, like "what the heck is going on over there?"

"want to go see?" corinna asked, already standing up and slipping her phone into her back pocket. 

"i'm down," i agreed, standing up and dusting the crumbs off of my lap, before grabbing my phone and slipping it into my back pocket as well. everyone else agreed, so we left our stuff behind, since we would be coming back, and started walking to the water fountain, the noise of teenage girls' screams slowly getting louder and louder. 

we got to the very back of the crowd, but we weren't close enough to see what was in the middle of it and what got everyone so hyped up. we looked at corinna, expecting her to do something about this, and she rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath, before yelling, rather harshly, for everyone to get out of her damn way. she did earn some dirty looks, but soon enough, we managed to push through the slightly sweaty teenage girls and to the middle. 

my mouth dropped open as i saw who was in the middle. ethan dolan. my ethan dolan that went on a date with me, not even 24 hours ago, and here he was, surrounded by a bunch of teenage girls that were screaming and begging for his attention. my friends gave me a weird look, and i knew what they were thinking. is this the guy who asked you out a couple days ago?

i shrugged in response, but turned my attention back to him. my eyebrows furrowed in confusion when i saw that they were two of them. why didn't he tell me that he had a twin? i began to feel a little dizzy, all of this was a little overwhelming, but i didn't want to leave just yet. i wanted to know more, what else he would do right now. 

i felt a tug on my sleeve, and i turned my head to see addie, who wanted to tell me something. she leaned up, placed her mouth by my ear and yelled, "they're the dolan twins, and they make videos on their youtube channel, with over four million subscribers!" 

i pulled away and gave her a "no way" look. she held up her phone and i took it from her, seeing she had the dolan twins' channel pulled up on her phone. sure enough, that was ethan dolan, and his twin, grayson dolan. why didn't he tell me that he was famous? if i'm just finding these things out now, what else is he hiding from me? 

i watched him take a picture with a very beautiful fan and he placed a kiss on her cheek, and not that i was jealous or anything, which i wasn't, i felt my heart throb a little at that sign of affection. i drew in a shaky breath. there's no way i'm falling for someone like him. i couldn't. dating someone famous comes with it's advantages and disadvantages, but to every good thing that happens, there's always a bad thing that comes with it. 

just look at the social media news. kylie jenner is pregnant, jacob sartorious and millie bobby brown are dating, blah blah blah. i wasn't ready to become the next big news all over social media, but was i ready to at least try?

i watched his every movement, his eyes scanning the crowd, big, happy smile on his face, until he saw me. his smile faltered for a second, but he recollected himself, and pulled out his phone. i soon got a text from him that said i can explain, i promise. i looked up at him, and he had a hopeful expression on his face, and i knew that he didn't want to lose me. after our date last night, he seemed to genuinely enjoy himself and enjoyed being with me. 

my fingers quickly danced across the keyboard of my phone, sending him a text back. you better. meet at the drive-in diner at four. it was twelve now, so i figured four hours would be plenty of time to meet all his fans and get to talk to them. i got my friends' attention and we started to leave, making our way back the way we came in. 

"he didn't tell you any of this?" melody asked sadly, not understanding why he kept this from me, and i'm having a hard time understand it too. i shook my head, kicking a rock along the sidewalk as we walked back to our table. 

"i just hope he's able to explain this to me," i said, "i can already tell that i'm falling for him."

because once you fall for someone, it's hard to un-fall for someone. 


a/n: fourth chapter is up!! i hope you enjoyed it!!

so sorry for the short chapter, next chapter will be longer, i promise. updating tomorrow, so stay tuned!

comment your thoughts and suggestions here!

as always, i love you so much!

- amy ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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