Chapter 4

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The three left the shop after paying for Harry's wand. They walked in silence, trying to process all that happened within that tiny shop.

"I think," Matthew started, breaking the silence. "I think I'm more lost than before."

Alfred laughed. "Me too."

"Me three," Harry nodded.

"There's Hagrid," Matthew said, pointing over to the shop he had promised to meet them at. Hagrid noticed them and smiled and waved. The trio walked over to him.

"Happy Birthday, Harry," Hagrid said happily. He held up a cage with a beautiful snowy owl. "Here's your present. I figured an owl would be best."

Harry looked at it, wide eyed. "Oh Hagrid, she's beautiful!" he exclaimed. "Thank you!"

Hagrid looked at the twins. "I didn't know if either of you wanted to pick out an owl, cat, or toad."

"Why would we need one?" Alfred asked.

"It's how us magic folk send letters," Hagrid explained.

Alfred frowned. "I don't know why I would need one. There isn't anyone I know that I would write to."

"We still have a month before classes start," Harry said. "We could write to each other before we go."

Alfred nodded. "That's true."

"How about this," Matthew said. "Since we don't really need one, we can get one owl for us to share."

Alfred thought for a moment. "That sounds like a good idea."

Alfred and Matthew went into the shop while Hagrid and Harry decided to wait outside. They walked along the aisles, looking at all the animals.

Alfred stopped at a cage, looking mesmerised at an owl. Matthew looked back and smiled. "I take it you want that one?" he asked.

Alfred nodded, smiling back at his twin. The owl he was in front of was black, brown and grey. It was a large bird, larger than Harry's owl. This one's eyes were a piercing orange.

"Excuse me," Matthew said, grabbing the attention of the owner. "What type of owl is this?"

"That's a Eurasian Eagle-Owl," the shopkeeper said. "Quite pretty, isn't she?"

"Eagle?" Alfred asked. "How can it be an owl and an eagle?"

The shopkeeper laughed. "That's just its name. When people first saw it flying, they thought it was an eagle. Turns out, it was an owl. A very large owl that was the size of an eagle. So they named it an Eagle-Owl."

Alfred looked at Matthew with puppy eyes. Matthew rolled his eyes at his brother before turning to the shopkeeper. "We'll take her."


When the twins walked out of the store, Harry and Hagrid looked surprised at the large bird they brought with them.

"Blimey, what kind of bird is that?" Hagrid asked.

"She's an Eagle-Owl," Alfred said proudly.

"What are you going to name her?" Harry asked. "I've named mine Hedwig."

Matthew shrugged. "I'm not sure, though I'll bet Alfred will figure one out pretty quickly."

"Yeah, her name's Amelia," Alfred said, nodding.

Matthew laughed. "That was faster than I thought. I like it, but why Amelia?"

Alfred shrugged. "Because she looks like an Amelia."

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