Chapter 3

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       Only a few days pass before John manages to find himself late for class

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Only a few days pass before John manages to find himself late for class. His '5 more minutes' turned into 15 and wound up getting himself late for language. He rushed into the room and froze when all eyes turned to him. John let's out a nervous laugh and apologizes to the teacher before hurrying over to the only empty seat in the room. He takes a seat and finds himself in front of some short, Colombian guy.

Once seated, the teacher continued her lesson on who knows what when John feels a strong thump on the back of his head. He turns to look at the culprit, but the kid scoots to the side out of view before placing a small, folded up piece of paper on his desk. John raises a brow and opens the note.

Sup Freshie, I'm Lui. What's your name?

       John crumbles up the paper and grabs a notebook out of his bag. He tears off a small piece and scribbles his name onto the paper before folding it up and carelessly tosses the paper behind him to Lui. They continue this until the teacher finished her lesson and decided to let them do whatever they wanted until the bell rang. John stands up and turns his chair around to face Lui's desk before sitting back down.

       A relatively heavy set guy grabs his own chair and drags it over to Lui and him. "Yo Anthony, this is my new friend, John. This is his first year." He points out, smiling at John. "Nice to meet you, Jonny boy." Anthony states, holding out his hand. He shakes it, returning his warm smile. "So guys, what are you two majoring in?" He asks the two. Lui and Anthony both smirk at each other. "We're both majoring in the study of superhuman abilities. I'm taking the scientific route and Anthony here plans on taking the medical route." Lui explains, nudging Anthony playfully.

John shifts uncomfortably at the mention of 'superhumans'. Oblivious to John's discomfort, Anthony asks, "So, what are you majoring in, Freshie?" "Oh, I'm going to be studying journalism. I want to be a live action reporter." He replies, daydreaming of his future adventures in front of a camera.

       Before their conversation could continue, the bell rings, signifying the end of class. They exchange phone numbers before dispersing to wherever they're needed next. Seeing as though John has about 45 minutes until his next class, he figured he'd go to the library. Although he dreads Lucas's snotty attitude, the library itself is quite cozy.

When John arrives, he notices Lucas laying back in his chair, fast asleep. John can't help but smile as he stares at the librarians peaceful features. He's so used to seeing a frown on his face, it's feels almost unnatural seeing him so relaxed. John stares at the man for a moment, quickly realizing that Lucas isn't as peaceful as he thought.

Lines of sweat drip down his face and his whole body looks to be trembling. Lucas begins to mumble something incoherent when John decides nap time is over. John gently shakes his arm, only making Lucas's situation worse. His shaking intensifies and his mumbling grows louder and easier to understand. "A... Ashle... Ash... Ashley... Ashley!!!" He groans. "L-Lucas! Wake up!" John proclaims. Lucas's eyes dart open in a panic and tries to back away, only to flip his chair back. Lucas lands on the floor with a loud thud and begins to hyperventilate. Worried, John runs behind the desk and kneels down next to the grumpy librarian.

Lucas's eyes land on John's and for once, he is actually relieved to see the thorn in his side. He lets out a long sigh and takes the bottom of his shirt and raises it to his forehead to wipe off his face. John stares at his chest in curiosity, noticing the abundant scars that liters his torso. This guy has officially peaked John's interest.

After wiping his face, Lucas opens up the mini fridge that conventionally sits under his desk to grab a drink, only to find it empty. "There's a vending machine across the hall, want me to get you something?" John offers. "Just a water please..." Lucas asks, reaching into his pocket for a dollar bill. "Don't worry, keep the money. I'll get it." John says before standing up and offering Lucas a hand. He lets out a reluctant huff before taking it. John yanks him up just a little too hard, making Lucas lose his balance. He grabs onto John's shoulders to stabilize himself and John pulls him closer in order to help.

They stand there for a moment until Lucas decides that he's had enough. He pulls away and tries to set up his chair to no avail; it's broken and there isn't much he can do about it at this point. He lets out an angered huff before stomping over to the chair next to where John usually sits. Missing the strangely warm feeling, John leaves the library to get them some drinks from the vending machine.

When John gets back, he takes a seat next to Lucas and hands him his drink. Lucas snatches it and opens the lid, chugging the water until the bottle is almost completely empty. The two sat there in a comfortable silence until John's curiosity gets the best of him. "Hey, Lucas..." "Yeah?" John hesitates got a moment before continuing, "Who's Ashley?"

Damn, it's been forever and a half since I've updated this. Sorry for being so inactive! I'll try to do better.

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