*In Cleo's Classroom*クラスの部屋は空です。私が見たように外に桜の木に対して吹く穏やかな風があります。柔らかく、優しく、とても穏やか。あなたはとてもあなたが素敵なピンクの花の花びらで一掃されるコンテンツの暖かい永遠の現在に浸漬になることができます。だから大丈夫、注意が必要?
*The class room is empty. As I look outside there is a calm breeze blowing against the cherry blossom trees; Soft, gently, so calm. You can become so immersed in the warm everlasting current of content that you will be swept away with the lovely pink flowers petals. So be careful, alright?*"Ren-san..." Cleo said
"Yo, Cleo..." Ren-san said
"So... You summoned me...? Do you need me to help you with something for school or do you want to talk...?" Cleo asked gently.
"You know why... I wanted to see you..." Ren-san said as he walked toward Cleo.
*Why though...? Isn't he dating Meiko-chan who is a third year? After all she's really pretty... Why wouldn't he want to be with her?*"I... I don't know actually...?" Cleo said smiling
*Oh...? Well, maybe I should refresh your memory...?*Ren-san had Cleo against a wall.
"R~en...? Are you not with Meiko I... I told you we can't do this anymore... Besides I heard you were obviously in love with her you don't want to ruin that..." Cleo said sounding nervous.
"Cleo... You know that even if you say this it will only be heard but not listened to... "
*Ren started to move his hand up under Cleo's skirt. Reaching her panties slipping them in touching her all around.*"いいえ〜いいえ!" Cleo said pushing Ren back away from her.
*No~no!*"Why not? Haha! You will make me sad. If you push me away... Besides I like to see your embarrassed face." Ren said as he started to unbutton Cleo's shirt.
*Ren starts to kiss Cleo on her neck moving down at her breasts. Sucking really hard giving her a hickey. Even though she tries to fight back and squirms, she becomes powerless more and more under his touch.*"No~no! Ren...! I don't want this right now... I'm... Plea~!" Cleo said her words starting to choke herself; Tears flow in her eyes. Each drop was like a sad waterfall of heavy rain.
"それはたぶん、あなたはそれを好き...あなたの体が言おうとしているものではありません?ハハ!我々はメイコと私の関係の始まりの周りこっそりれたときに、なぜあなたは今それを好きではないハハハ...それが好き?" Ren asked grimly.
*That's not what your body is trying to say... Maybe you like it? Haha! You liked it when we were sneaking around in the beginning of my relationship with Meiko... Hahaha so why don't you like it now?*

Remember Us
FantasyJust work in progress... Right now I'm busy with school and other things along with vlogging and trying to study Japanese... I try to put in as much effort as I can in my writing... If it becomes popular I'd be really happy... This isn't a free writ...