explanation time!

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Inspired by song 'Chase Atlantic — Ozone'

okay, ada bagian dari lagu ini yang lyric-nya seperti menghantamku telak. mungkin terdengar sepele bagi beberapa orang.

berikut adalah penggalan cuplikan;

'She said don't forget me you own me one'

dia berkata, jangan lupa kau berhutang satu hal padaku.

'I need some reason to live, maybe you can show me some'

aku butuh alasan untukku tetap tinggal, mungkin kau bisa menunjukkannya.

Lyrics tersebut bisa mencakup bagian Jungkook dimana dia menyerah untuk tetap hidup. Yes, he is suicidal.

✩ Kenapa fict ini pendek?

um—mungkin karena based dari sebuah lagu hehehe. nanti kalau chapternya banyak, mata ku pasti sudah bengkak.
honestly, i was crying when I wrote this shortfict.

Apa yang terjadi dengan Jimin?

Yeah, he is dead.
Operasinya tidak berjalan lancar. Hanya 10% peluang keberhasilannya.

✩ Apa yang terjadi pada Jungkook setelah itu?

yeah he come to meet jimin, you know that —where is jimin belong to.

so that's all, I hope you'll enjoyed the hella ride with me. full of pain, but don't forget 'Love yourself, You never walk alone. You'll gonna meet someone who could understand for being who you are, just believe me. If you could opened your heart a little.

you could say 'talking is easy'

but you know I've been experiencing this, i've been in Jungkook place before.

maybe you've done a bad things in your past. we've done all things that we regret, so we all not much different from each other.

let's focus on future, thinks about what you want to do and what make you happy.

if you ever need someone to talk, i'm here.
you can talk to me.

4 pm | pjm x jjkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang