14) Happiness.

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This chapter is going to be in Kol's point of view (pov). It will be like this for a while so don't get confused.

I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. I had my girlfriend Sarah in my arms. She groans and untangles herself from me and answers her phone.

"Hello.. Jamie how are you?.. Is everything okay?.. Oh okay, I'll try and get there tomorrow.. Okay see ya soon.. bye." she hung up and stared at the phone.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask holding her hand. A tear fell down her face. "That was my half-brother, my father died last night." she began to cry and hid her face in her hands.

"Sarah I'm so sorry." I didn't know what else to do but to hug her. "I have to go to Norway tonight." She cried onto my bare skin.  "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I think I just need to spent time with my family. I'll call every-night." I nod and pull her away from me and wipe her tears away with my thumb.

"I'll bring you home to pack," she nods and walks into my bathroom to was up. I go downstairs to make us coffee.

"Everything alright brother?" My eldest brother Elijah asked.  "Yeah Sarah's father died last night and she going to Norway to visit her family there." I explain. I poured two coffees and brought them back upstairs.

I could hear Sarah crying in the bathroom. "Sarah? Can I come in?" I ask tapping the door. She unlocks the door and I walk in and hug her. "Are you sure you don't want me to come, I'll behave." I give her the best puppy face.

"I do want you to come but I need to spend time with my family, I'm going to stay for two weeks." She laughs a little.   "Okay but you better call me everyday because I'll go crazy and fly there myself."

"You see me almost everyday can't you live two weeks without me?" she laughs. I pin her underneath me on the bed and hover over her. She tries to push me off but it doesn't work.

I kiss her on the mouth and we stay like that for a few minutes. "Come on I have to get home." I nod and pull her up and we walk to her car.

We arrive at her house in 15 minutes and she invites me in. I help her pack her cloths and things she needs for her trip.  We then drive to the airport.

"One ticket to Norway please." Sarah asks a woman behind the desk. She prints a ticket and tells her the price. I pull out my wallet and hand the woman the money. "No, Kol I'll pay."

"No you keep your money to buy yourself something nice, and besides it can be my treat." She groans and takes the ticket. 

"Annoying boyfriend problems?" the woman asks. "Yes," Sarah answers. "Hay?" I fake a offend look. 

"But not as annoying as his brothers or sister. But he's the most child-est."  We walk away to a restaurant before Sarah has to check in.

"So have you ever being in a relationship before me?" Sarah asked sipping he coffee. "Yeah when I was human, but she was beautiful but when I turned she hated me, she broke my heart."

"Have you ever slept with anyone?" she asked. "No, when she broke-up with me I hurt her and I promised myself that I would never hurt a woman again. And I promised myself I wouldn't sleep with anyone until I found someone who loved me and not just because I'm powerful but loves me for me."

There was a long silence until she spoke. "I promised my dad before he moved to Norway with his new family that I wouldn't do anything until I knew it was real. He would have liked you, my dad was very childish too." 

She was crying now, I pull her over to me and hug her until she stopped. A hour went by and it was time to say good-bye to my lover.

"Don't forget to call and remember if you need me just ask and I'll be there before you know it." I kiss her for the last time on her pink lips.

When I get home I'm greeted at the door by my brother. "Where's the little witch? I need to ask he a favor." Klaus asked. 

"Gone to visit family and no your not going to ask her favor." I spat which only made him mad.        "And why not brother, shes a witch there meant to use her witchy powers to help people."

"Put yourself in my shoes brother, If Caroline was a witch and I asked her to do a spell that could kill her, would you let me ask her?" he shook his head.

"We have already asked her too much by saving your daughter and her children. Did you know she hasn't practiced magic since she was 16 because her aunt died using magic."

He shook his head again. "She is the only person I love more than my family, please brother understand where I am coming from. Just try and figure it out for yourself or ask another witch. Anyone just not Sarah, she means too much to me."

I spent the afternoon doing nothing but thinking about Sarah. My phone starts to ring in my pocket. "Hello?" I ask there was no caller ID coming from the phone.

"Kol hey its Sarah." she sounded happy which made me happy.        "Oh, hey. Why are you calling from a different phone?" I ask a little worried.

"I lost my phone in the airport earlier today and I'm calling from my hotel room," I laugh at her for loosing her phone. 

We talk on the phone for another hour until we said goodnight. Knowing she was okay made me happy and I fell asleep after the call.

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