Chapter 4

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Akiza's POV
If you asked me what I'd be doing after school, my answer would not be burying my parents. No one, except for Carly and the police, knew my parents were murdered.

I'd like to keep it that way. I was upset and sad.

But overall angry. Angry that my parents never got the chance to apologize to me.

Not like they ever would. I'm making it my goal to catch these people and make them pay for what they did.
Yusei's POV
She's been acting differently. Does it have anything to do with Sayer?

I swear to god if he touched her I'm going to-
"Hey, Yusei!" I looked up to see Jack entering my garage.
"What's up?," I asked. He shrugged.
"Crow and I were going to go for a ride. Want to come?," He asked me. I shook my head no.

I had other plans. And a confession to get out of someone.

I continued working on my ride when someone entered the garage.
"Hey, Bruno," I called over my shoulder.
"You wanted to see me?"
"Pass me that wrench?," I asked. He handed it to me and examined my work.
"So...what did you need me for?," Bruno asked. I sighed and put down the wrench.
"We need to talk, Bruno."
"What about me?," Bruno asked.
"What's going on? You're not at school, you're avoiding're avoiding Sherry." His head shot up.
"S-S-Sherry? Why what's wrong with her? Is she okay? Did anyone hurt her? I'm going to kill whoever-Sherry's fine, Bruno," I interrupted.
"Then what's this all about?," He asked.
"Where have you been?," I asked. He sighed.
"To tell you the truth...I don't know. As soon as I got home I didn't  remember anything. I woke up the next morning on the beach not knowing how I got there. You got to help me, Yusei!," He cried.
"Okay, okay. One step at a time," I told him. He nodded.
"You can stay the night so Jack, Crow and I can keep an eye on you," I told him. He nodded his thanks.
Crow's POV
"I don't believe it! Jack Atlas needs help getting a girl!"
"Shut up you bird brain and just help me!," Jack retorted.
"Fine," I sighed.
"What's her name?"
"No way. You like, Carly-not one word Crow, not one word," Jack said and stocked off.
"Wait! Didn't you need my help?!,"I called and ran after him. He smirked.
"I just realized who I was asking for help." With that he got on his ride and zoomed away.
"What's that suppose to mean?," I thought as I got on my own ride and sped after Jack
I'm so extremely sorry I haven't updated in so long! School has just been nuts and with grad photos coming up in like two weeks I'm trying not to hyperventilate. Anyways I promise you won't have to wait this long for next chapter.

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