Chapter 7

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Akiza's POV
Once I got back from Yusei's place I threw myself on the couch. Carly's going to publish that story anyway now.

What am I going to do? I have no leads and no suspects.

How am I going to solve this case? Maybe I should tell someone.

But who? I can't trust anyone, everyone's a suspect.

Including Yusei...and all our friends. Okay, think.

Who is the one person who would have a motive to kill the senator and his wife? No one I know.

Or do I?
Bruno's POV
"Yusei? Yusei? YUSEI!," I screamed at the boy with royal blue eyes.
"Hmm?," he asked. I rolled my eyes.
"What's going on?," I asked him.
"What do you mean?," he asked, rubbing his eyes.
"I've been calling your name for the past two minutes," I spoke, concern laced in my voice.
"Sorry, Bruno. I was just thinking about-Akiza," I interrupted and went to sit beside him.
"How did you-not important," I interrupted holding up my hand as if to say stop. Yusei sighed.
"I'm worried about her," he spoke.
"You always are."
"I just...I don't know,there's just something about her..." he got that lost look in his eyes.
"You love her. You always have and always will. No one can blame you if you're worried about her," I told him.
"I just want her to be safe, and happy," He spoke.
"And does being with Sayer make her happy?," I asked. He shook his head.
"She's hates him," He spoke. I smiled.
"You're right. But do you know who does make her happy?," I asked him.
"We all do...her friends," He answered.
"True but I was talking about you. Every time you enter the room her eyes shine with excitement and happiness. She loves you, Yusei."
"Why are you telling me this?," He asked annoyed. I sighed.
"Because I want you to be happy."
"I am happy," He argued.
"Are you really? You're here moping and longing for the girl of your dreams but you're not doing anything about it. Go get your girl, Yusei. You both deserve each other," I told him. He smiled and me.

His eyes shown with love and happiness.
"When did you get so smart?," He asked standing up.
"I have good friends." He smiled at me one last time before getting on his red motorcycle and driving to Akiza's house to tell her how much he loves her. I hope they both find happiness.

Because in reality. They're the only people I know who are meant to be together.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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