Chapter 17

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Akiza's POV
Okay, Sayer and Misty have been following me around all day. What the hell are they up too?

I spotted Misty out of the corner of my eye and got an idea. I wondered around and hid behind a corner.

Once Misty walked past me, I grabbed her from behind and pulled her into the girls bathroom.
"What the hell, Akiza!," She screeched as she wipes her mouth.
"Why are you and Sayer following me?," I questioned.
"Look...I know what you did to my brother-stop," I interrupted her.
"I had nothing to do with your brother's dis-do not say disappearance, Akiza! You killed him! Along with your parents!," Misty interrupted.
"Hey! I never got along with my parents but I'd never murder them! And your brother is alive. I knew that cult was bad, all cults are bad! I did it for attention. I told your brother to run I have no idea where he is or if Sayer got to him but I told him to run, Misty. I swear," I told her truthfully. She started shaking her head.
"No, no, no, no," She put herself into a ball and started rocking back and forth.
"He's dead. He's not alive. You're lying," She mumbled. I walked up to her and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm so sorry." Was all I could say. What would you even tell someone in that situation?

I pushed all of the surfacing questions away and looked back at Misty.
"Come on. Let's get you home."
I walked Misty to her pink motorcycle and handed her a file.
"This is all the information I have on your brother. I hope it helps," I told her, leaning on my motorcycle. She nodded.
"Thank you. And watch out for Sayer. He tried to turn me against you. It almost worked too," She commented. I nodded.

Now that made sense.
"Noted. I'll see you soon, Misty. Good luck." She nodded and pulled away. Not one minute later footsteps were heard running out the school doors.

I turned around and saw Sayer.
"Where is she going?," Sayer panted beside me. I smirked.
"To find her brother. You know the one you said I killed," I brought up.
"Why are you doing this to me. I have my own problems. Find some other girl to harass," I spat and walked away. But before I could get completely away I heard him mumble.
"But no other girl compares to you."

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