Chapter Twenty Eight

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Drew had gone back to staring out the window.

“Well she was nice.” Dean said, indicating the waitress busying herself behind the counter.

Drew blinked. “She’s a demon.”

That sounded more like Drew.

“Drew, there’s no need to be jealous.” Dean teased, challenging her.

“Why would I be jealous?” She replied dully. “I can see her face. She’s a demon.” Sam and Dean exchanged  questioning looks with each other.

“Hold on, you can see their true faces?” Sam asked in disbelief. Drew nodded slowly before bending to examine her nails.

“And you never thought to mention that before?” Dean huffed angrily.

Drew merely shrugged. “No.”  

Dean’s mouth gaped in silent sputtering.

“I suggest we follow her,” Drew said simply.

Dean shook his head and a muscle jumped in his cheek. “We’ll trail her after I eat.”

Soon the demon-waitress arrived brandishing a plate load of food and Dean shoveled as though he had not eaten for days. Sam ate slower, seeming to savour every bite.

Once the brothers had finished, the trio camped out in the impala to wait for the mysterious ‘waitress’ to finish her shift.

They only had to wait for a few minutes before their target strode from the diner. She pulled herself  into a little red hybrid and drove out of the parking lot. Dean started the Impala’s ignition and followed the car at a distance. After a few minutes the demon veered into the lot of what looked to be a long-since abandoned warehouse. Its windows were shattered, beaten metal walls and were stained with rust and and crawled with ivy. It provided the perfect hideout for demons.

Dean squinted through the glare of the sun. What looked to be a few teenagers were gathered around the perimeter of the building.

“Demons.” Drew muttered, pointing to the gathered group. Dean and Sam quickly stole out of the impala as quietly as they could. Dean winced as Drew’s door slammed shut with a bang. “Could you be any louder? He hissed. Drew seemed not her hear him. Sam snatched their equipment from the trunk, tossing a rifle and a couple salt rounds to Dean who tucked them securely in his jacket. Loaded and ready, Dean gave the signal and Sam began stealthily crawling around to the back of the warehouse, keeping to the shadows between the walls. Three short whistles signaled he was in position. Dean hooted back twice in response.Glancing to make sure the coast was clear, he darted towards the opposite side of the wall landing in a low crouch. He peered behind him. Drew had not followed. Dean turned round. “You coming?” he whispered, but she was already gone. Apparently she had other ideas.


“Drew!?” Dean whispered, frantically glancing around. His gaze found her a ways back Instead she striding directly towards the pack of demons.

“What the hell is she doing?!” Sam hissed, watching as the scene in front of him unfolded.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Dean leaped to his feet and sprinted after her.

What the hell is she thinking!?

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