Chapter Thirty-Five

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The gang soon dispersed, each going  their separate ways. Sam and Bobby had disappeared into the kitchen and Drew could hear their quiet discussion through the thin walls. Somehow they had found their way into one of the vacant guest rooms. Dean rubbed his back unconsciously.

“You alright?” Drew questioned.

“It’s nothing,” Dean reassured and took a swig from the bottle clutched in his hand.

“Here let me see,” Drew started, coming around behind him. She placed her hands along his back. “Damn, you’re tight.”

Her touch sent shivers up his spine. She began by firmly stroking tiny circles into his back with her palms and fingertips.

“Top off Winchester." She ordered.

“Getting frisky are we Karch?” He snickered, though he removed his shirt in one swift movement. A sinful grin toyed on his lips. Drew cuffed him lightly on the head before continuing to knead his back.  She could feel his muscles flexing beneath her fingers though he remained silent.

“Where did you learn to do this?” He questioned stretching his neck.

“Dunno, just kinda picked it up.” Her fingers focused on his lower back now. Dean grunted a few times, melting into her touch. She continued on massaging his back for a few minutes until Sam’shead peered around the door.

“Seriously Dean?” He called hastily retreating back into the hallway, his voice laced with disgust.

“What are you talking about, Sammy?” Dean replied, aware of Drew’s hands still positioned across his back. After a moment, Sam walked into the room, thoughlooked away slightly flustered.

“I heard noises and I thought you two were...uhh…”

“What did you think we were doing?” Drew questioned, still gently massaging Dean’s bare back.

“Well I heard grunting and I figured--”

“Then why the hell would you look in? Jesus Sammy!” Dean chuckled huskily, turning to face Drew.

“You know that I would never do something so vulgar!” Drew shivered and Dean shook his head.

“I wouldn't say never.” Dean said casually. “Though now that he mentions it I was thinking maybe…?” He arched a brow suggestively.

“Ew Dean! No!” Drew squealed, slaping his bare chest.

“I think I’ll just go,” Sam said to no one in particular and side shuffled out of the room to avoid further comments.

“Drew there’s no need to be disgusted, it’s a completely natural thing!” Dean teased, snaking his arms around her waist. She twisted her torso back and forth in attempt to free herself, but his grip restrained her movement.

“Dean.” Drew whined unable to shake his hands off. “Stop it.” She giggled and bat her eyes innocently. He didn't fall for the act, instead pressed his lips against her own, while his one hand held her hip firm and the other cupped her cheek. She pressed her palms against his bare chest in attempt to shove him away. Her strength poured out of her body pitifully as Dean worked his skillful mouth. Drew found herself giving in as he shifted his lips along her jawline. She closed her eyes, breathing in his scent.

God this man is talented.

Dean left a trail of gentle kisses and love bites down her neck as he stopped at a rather sensitive area. At first he nuzzled the petite curve while inhaling her sweet aroma. He nibbled and kissed around, drawing weak whimpers of pleasure from her lips. Deans lips curved into a satisfied smirk against her skin accepting his victory.

Unable to resist her partner anymore, Drew arched her neck giving him better access. She felt frail and helpless against his talented touch. Every inch of her skin shivered at their contact which sent more whimpers crawling from her. Dean continued to please her neck earning more quiet moans. He made his way back up her body until he claimed her lips once again. He started out gentle, rubbing his finger against her scarlet cheek. Drew had one hand tangled in his sandy brown hair while the other pawed at his toned shoulders.

One of Dean's hands slithered down to her top that had ridden up her torso a bit- exposing her lightly toned stomach. When his hand grazed her bare skin her breath hitched in her throat sending dozens of alerts ablaze in her head. Her heart pounded in her chest and Dean could feel just how nervous she was.

"Shh..." He cooed, nipping at her ear gently while playfully tracing the faint curve of her hips.Drew squirmed under his touch grabbing at his hand.

"Stop! That tickles-" She squealed before a set of lips shut her up. This time he was passionate and hungry, pressing her petite frame against his.

"Dean..." She moaned against his mouth. "We can't." She protested as he continued to explore. "Sam or Bobby will..." He cut off her trail of thought with another kiss. Dean showed no signs of stopping as his hand continued to scurry about under her shirt. He broke their kiss to return to her neck. Drew whined against his skin, begging to stop. Her mind was whirling. She wanted him to stop though her body craved his touch.

Dean’s instincts told him to go further; to do what he had wanted to do since the moment he met her though something was different this time. Like a stout candle in a snowstorm, thoughts continued to flicker along the surface of his mind.

Someone might come in.

Be gentle with her.

His fingers nimbly reached across her shoulder blades, tracing across the lacy fabric of her undergarments, though a firm hand stopped him there, not allowing him to advance.

“Dean.” Her voice was firm. He let his hold on her slip instead to her waist. She rose from the bed, “We need to stop…” She muttered, their noses touching as they bore into each other’s gaze. Her chest rose and fell with each fervour breath. She could see passion in his eyes that she knew was mirrored in her own. “I just feel… Like we shouldn’t you know in this house.” She trailed out nervously. Truth was she was more than happy to let Dean have his way with her, but she was terrified. The whole thought and idea of sexignited a fear inside her mind. It was how she was raised. Life was a privileged duty. You had to do the job and that meant to no time for fun or playing. There was only the job. Fear, anger and monsters.

“It’s fine.” Dean cooed kissing her nose. “There’s no need to be shy, I’m not going to laugh at you.” He chuckled looking around the room for his shirt. Throwing it over his head, and he snagged a quick kiss from Drew and disappeared downstairs.

“Where the hell were you?” Bobby said and Sam looked up from his laptop.

“We were just upstairs.” Drew informed him.

Bobby huffed. “Was beginning to think you two ran off. Why didn’t you come when I called?”

“We were busy.” Dean said with a smirk. “Doing stuff”

Bobby narrowed him with a stare.“Seriously Dean? In my guest room of all places!” he retorted in disgust. “idgit.”

“Sorry Bobby, I have my needs!” Dean chuckled huskily and Drew’s eyes widened realizing what Dean had implied.

“No no! I didn’t- We didn’t! I swear!” Drew said quickly.  She gave Dean a death glare before turning towards the door. “I’m going out for a walk, I’ll catch you guys later.” She waved, catching an amused look from Dean before ambling out into the night.

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