Chapter Twenty

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There was a flash of white light, and just like that then they were gone. The last thing she saw as light enveloped her was Dean’s face, panicked and fearful.

She felt the scream rise in her throat though it was cut off as her feel made contact with solid ground. Wherever Zachariah had taken her, the Winchesters obviously hadn’t followed.

The long corridor-like room stretched back about thirty feet. It had an ornate feel to it-- elegantly furnished; golden candelabra lined the walls at spaced intervals and goldwork decorated the mantel. The decor was a little too much for her taste.

“Well I certainly like what you’ve done with the place. Very tasteful.” She mocked an impression of content. “Mind telling me where I am?”

She spun  away from the angel, glancing about in search of a weapon. An amused smile played across his face.  “Oh, this? It is one of our safe houses. Just think of it as witness protection. We needed somewhere to keep you so you’ll be out of harms way.”

I don’t need help from you. Her mind spat at him though she held her silence. He was her captor and there was no use angering him more. “Says the one who threatened to kill my friends.” She retorted.What do they even want with me?

In the center a long, ebony table was dressed and prepared as though there was to be a royal meal. Lined up in neat columns,heaps of her favourite regalement sat pretty and ready.

“A little fancy for a prison cell.” Drew snapped, crossing her arms across her chest. She slowly paced across the length of the table, eying the food warily.

“Have some, child. It doesn’t bite.”

But you do.

“So what do you want with me.” She changed the subject abruptly. She didn’t trust these angels.  “You owe me information at the very least.”

“All in good time.” The angel’s answer was lightning fast-- rehearsed.

“You promised answers if I came with you.” She said carefully. Though she could hardly keep the blazed anger from entering her eyes. .

“That isn’t what I promised, Drew.” The angel replied with a superior smile, as though he were talking to a child. “I promised to not harm your little Winchestersand I made good on that promise. I suggest you make good on yours.”

She was itching to rip his smug look clean off his face. “So what? Am I suppose to just sit here on my ass until you feathery knuckleheads come retrieve me?” She pulled a chair out from the table and sat down. She tapped her foot, impatiently. hoping her act of intimidation was working. Deep down, terror gripped her heart like an icy iron fist. Dean had told her what an angel’s wrath was capable of and she was not eager to experience it.

“That is what I would expect. Do not attempt to leave, Drew. If I catch you doing so there will be hell to pay, that much I guarantee. You will not like me when I’m mad.” He waved a hand over the food. “In the meantime, enjoy yourself.” His hand lingered above a neat stack of milkshakes. “I know for a fact these are your favourites.”

“I don’t like milkshakes.” Drew lied, swallowing the lump threatening to rise in her throat. She leant back against the chair.

“If this is going to work,” the angel said, firmly. “You’ve got to stop with the fibs. Honesty, as they say, is truly the best policy. And besides, you can’t lie to me, child. We have been watching you over the years. I know everything you’ve seen, heard or felt since the moment you were born. Don’t think you can hide anything from me Drew.”

“I’m pretty sure that is classified as pedophilia…” She retorted.“You’re what? Forty? Fifty?” Her gaze trailed his over him. “I suggest cutting down on the potato chips… Your meat suit could lose a few pounds.”

The insults didn’t seem to affect him. “Ah well, you know what they say. Live life to the fullest while you can.”

Drew bit the inside of her cheek. While you can. What exactly was he implying? She knew it was a threat and it was all she could do to keep from flinging herself at him and pounding him until he was nothing more than a pile of dirty feathers.

“I will be back in a bit to check up on you. Feel free to help yourself in the meantime, and do try to stay out of trouble.” With a gentle flutter, he was gone. She looked around the room which glared back at her, silent and empty. The food on the table beckoned to her but she turned her nose away. She wouldn’t give in. This is exactly what the angels wanted. Her stomach growled in protest.

“Shut up.” She told it.

Her footsteps echoed as she walked across the floor. There wasn’t a door in sight. She mentally hurled a string of angry curses in Zachariah’s direction. There must be a way out. How else could they have gotten everything in here? Oh, right. They’re angels you idiot.

She circled the room, examining the corners and cracks between the whitewash walls and the trim though it was all tightly sealed. Next she knocked on each panel though all seemed solid. Was there actually no way out? No, there has to be. The stubbornness in her mind wouldn’t let her give up.  Her hands brushed along the ornate fireplace her fingers digging into nooks and crevices in search of a latch, button, anything that might reveal a hidden chamber. To her dismay, her search yielded no results.

Hunger gnawed at her stomach and her glance automatically flickered to the food-laden table.

Fine. You win.

Stupid angels and their stupid knowledge. She was learning very quickly why the Winchesters despised angels.

Might as well make the most of this…

She reached forward and snagged a strawberry milkshake. What pies were to Dean, Milkshakes were to Drew. She sipped gingerly at first. The creamy liquid melted in her mouth. Damn angels. They sure knew who to make a milkshake. Drew picked at a few other items until she was satisfied. She closed her eyes. Sleep wouldn’t come easy, she knew but she had to keep up her strength. Soon she was suspended in that half-aware state between dream and reality. The wall was hard behind her but in her circumstances, it was the best she could do.

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