Chapter 9

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Jasmine P.O.V
Me and Tony walk in and want to the last at the front. "Welcome to clubs, do you have reservations? " the woman asked.

Yes, it should be under tony. He spoke loudly. "Right this way" she smiled guiding us to a recluded area in the back. Thank you Tony said to the woman. So what do you want Tony asked me. Mmm I don't know yet I said while looking at the menu. Anothony is that you some girl said while walking up to tony. Yes it is Tony said while smiling. Oh my God I havent seen you in forever she said while giving him a hug. Which made me a bit jealous. Who's this she said while looking me up and down. That's jasmi....I'm his girlfriend I said while cutting off tony. I asked him not you honey she said while fake smiling and rolling her eyes at me. Well it's about me so I can answer I said while fake smiling at her. Anyways, I'm heading to a party right now and I was wondering if you want to go she said while smiling at tony. Nah probaly next time I'm on date Tony said while looking at me. Oh well that sucks we could of did like old times she said smiling and grabbing his hand. Okay that's enough he said no so go away I said while raising my voice a little. Whatever it was nice seeing you tony she said while smiling and walking away.

~me and Tony ordered our food and ate~

I notice Tony staring at me I just ignored him two mins went pass and Tony was still staring at me. Why are you staring at me I said while drinking my drink. Why do get so jealous easily Tony said. I don't know I just do. I know why Tony said while while smiling. Really you do I said while laughing. Yeah it's because you like me Tony said while laughing. What no I said while lying. You know its true just admit it. No its not true and you get jealous too I said while giving him a fake smile. I don't get jealous Tony said while sipping some of his drink. Really okay we are going to see I said while getting up. Jasmine sit down where you going Tony said while trying to grab my arm.

I walked over to some tall handsome guy talking to a group of guys. Hey I said while interuppting him. Hello he said while looking me up and down. Can you help me get this tag off my dress I said while turning around and putting my butt on his croth. Yeah sure he said while getting hard. I looked up and saw Tony looking at him deadly I just smiled and turned around. Kiss me and grab my ass I whispered to the guy in his ear. Okay he said while smiling. He kissed me and grab my ass I knew that Tony was going to come over here. I felt strong hands yank me away from the guy I knew it was tony. Tony punched the guy which made his nose bleed. Tony what the hell I said while pushing him. Shut up Tony said while yanking me by my arm and walking out the restaurant. Tony let go of my arm I said while trying to yank my arm away from him.

Out of no where Tony slammed me to the car. Tony stop I said while starting to cry. Don't ever in your life do that again do you understand me Tony yelled. Yes I yelled while crying. Get in the car and don't say nothing. I got in the car and slammed the door on purpose.

~ After 15mins of  driving we arrived at home ~

I want you to go in dont talk to nobody and take a shower and wait for me in bed Tony said. Okay I said while getting out the car.

Tony P.O.V
I walked in the house and saw lala and Bruno and Jasmine and some of my men. Jasmine I said while interrupting her and lala. She stopped talking and went upstairs. quanti soldi ho? ( how much money do i have) I said to bruno. quattro miliardi ( four billion). okay chiama le ragazze qui ( Okay call the girls up her) I said while pouring me some whiskey. Okay Bruno said while going to the basement. Hey Tony lala said while smiling. Hey lala I said while taking a sip of my drink. Can I go up there with Jasm... No I said while raising voice and cutting her off. Okay dang she said while walking over to the couch.  Qui  ( there here ) bruno said. Take a seat and be quiet I told the girls. Why do I have 4 billion when I asked for 5 billion i yelled which made the girls jump. I don't know sir we did everything we could one of the girls said. Really well if you did we wouldn't be talking I yelled.

Jasmine P.O.V
I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around me and went to the closet to find clothes.

Tony P.O.V
bruno prendi liz dalla stanza ( bruno go get liz from the room) I said while loading my gun. Now I'm going to teach y'all a lesson about not having my mone....Scendi da me ( Get off me) somebody yelled while cutting me off. I turned around and saw it was Liz and bruno. Shut up bruno said while kicking her. Bruno stop what are doing lala yelled. bruno portala qui ( bruno being her over here). Now ladies if I don't have 6 billion by tommrow or If I ever catch you talking to Russo or disobeying my rules this will happen. I pointed my gun at Liz and shot her in the back of the head which made the girls scream.

Jasmine P.O.V
As I was looking for clothes I heard a gunshot and girls scream. I grabbed one of tony's shirt and ran out the room. I saw the girl that I gave my shirt to laying on the floor in a pool of blood. I looked to my right to see aleast 15 girls that were shaking in fear looking at me. I looked to my left I saw lala and Bruno and some of tony's men. I looked straight ahead I see Tony holding a gun. Tony what are you doing I said while looking around. Go back up staris he said while putting his gun down. No who are these girls and why did you kill her I yelled. Jasmine go back upstairs now he yelled. Or what tony your going to shoot me like you did her I yelled. Tony walked over to me and slapped me. I fucking hate you I said while starting to cry and stomping up stairs.

Tony P.O.V
Go to the basement and go make my fucking money I yelled to the girls. They got up and went down to the basement. pulisci questo ( clean this up) I told my men. As I was going walking towards the stairs. Lala blocked the way. What lala I said while looking at her. If you want her to like you got to stop treating her like shit lala said while getting out the way. Whatever I said while walking upstairs.

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