Chapter Twenty One

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:  I just wanted to say, that the exterior of the new house has now changed since I didn't really like the description I had made in one of the first chapters, this is now how it looks like!

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  I just wanted to say, that the exterior of the new house has now changed since I didn't really like the description I had made in one of the first chapters, this is now how it looks like!

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 Of course, it's still in the middle of the forest, so imagine tall and dense trees all around!!And of course, the light brown parts are darker, to fit what I had in mind. Classy, but not too classy, and a house that could fit what I had in mind for a house, still kinda modern in a forest.

bye bye!!



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I brought my hand in the sink, and let water flow on it to remove any stains on my hand,, wrist, and arm that blood might have left behind, before drying my hands up and almost running up the stairs, while I kept rubbing the palm of my once injured hand with my thumb from the opposite hand.

When I reached his room, I could hear my brother pant heavily, grunting (or is it moaning?) in pain, and I stood before the door, unsure of what I was actually supposed to do while my mind was whirling with thoughts of my brother and I, with his fever, and my once injured hand that healed on itself.

My mind went back to the scene where the blood flowed back where it came from, into my hand, before the wound closed upon itself with no medical attention.

I stood in front of the door that led to his room, also called his man cave, for a few minutes, unsure if I should step in or wait it out like my aunt had told me to do, and she specifically said not to go into his room, as she said, I quote '' Whatever he has can be triggered by the smallest things". My heartbeat increased greatly, my hands were slightly moist, sweaty from stress.

After deliberating with myself. I opened the door.

His bed was messy, clothes all over the floor,  the curtains of his room were not letting any sunlight enter his man cave

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His bed was messy, clothes all over the floor,  the curtains of his room were not letting any sunlight enter his man cave. And my brother laid there, on top of his messy bed, wearing only a white tank top and a pair of dark grey loose boxers. The young man was covered in sweat, his chest heaving rapidly, his body as tense as a rope, as multiples fans were pushing cold wind towards his hot body.

I mean, hot because of the fever, not the other kind of hot, it's my brother, I mean, UGH.

Then, when I saw him fully, I noticed how much he changed in less than a week.

Did he take steroids or something? He got so massive, he was now much more muscular than he was before. My brother's eyes fell upon me, as he sat up, and I saw how much his body changed.

Did he also get taller? I mean, that's the impression I get from looking at him.

What did I miss not to notice how much his body transformed?

I walked up to him, and sat down next to the said man, pulling out a rag from a bowl filled with ice cold water put on his nightstand.Grabbing it, I put it around my brother's neck. His cheeks were deeply flushed, scarlet with the blood running below the surface of the apples of his cheeks.

" Lay down. I'm cooking some french onion soup for the both of us." I said, in a soft voice, pushing him back on the bed, in a soft way, of course, since I didn't want to make him suffer even more than he already does.

I went back to cook, and after a while, the delicious smell of the soup made my brother leave his room, since I could hear his footsteps walking down the stairs, and the said man sat on one of the kitchen stool in front of me, while I put the two small traditional onion soup bowl filled to the brim and covered in lots of cheese(mine) into the oven. I could feel my brother's gaze on my back, as I typed in the minutes needed for the timer.

When I turned around, ready to confront my twin over whatever made him stare at me, I saw him with his arms crossed over his chest, a new cold wet rag around his neck. None of us said anything, and my twin brother took the tv remote from the shelf and activated the television in the living room, right above the fireplace, before changing channels until he reached the channel where the tv show Criminal minds played before he adjusted the tv volume higher since we couldn't hear much from where we were, before putting down the remote.

Something shone at the edge of the forest and it caught my attention. It was the kind of shine that belonged to eyes reflecting the light that hit them. But the size of those eyes, and the distance between them, everything screamed that it was an animal. Those eyes belonged to a massive figure, and I narrowed my eyes, trying to zoom my vision and be able to recognize the massive shape at the edge of the forest.

Seeing a figure at the edge brought my thoughts back to that eventful night, where I first saw the vampire on the edge of the forest, then the wolves.

I quickly walked up to the window, but the figure just turned away and fled inside the dark, and dense forest.As the massive shape turned around, a ray of moonlight hit the surface of the unknown creature.

Silver fur. The wolf from that night. The wolf that stared at me with big deep and warm brown eyes, as he stood tall, menacing, threatening the being that almost took me and my sister's life away from us.

I stepped outside through a door in the kitchen that led outside, and I stepped out on the terrace, my eyes completely focused on the forest, as I tried to catch any movement with my eyes.

The sound of the door opening and closing behind me brought my attention back to my brother who just stood there, body completely tense. My brother's gaze was completely focused on my neck.And then I realized, he was actually focusing on the bruises on my neck, almost completely undetectable, only noticeable under natural lighting.

" What the hell are those?!" He hissed, his body tensing even more, as he walked up to me, grabbed my jaw and roughly tilted my head to the side, completely exposing the marks to him. His eyes turned even more furious, his pupils dilating, as Derek's jaw clenched painfully. 

With his grip on me, I could fell all the tremors going through his body as if it was vibrating on itself. His body heavily shaking with anger, fury, as he growled, grunted panted while taking a step back.His muscles rippling under his skin, and my brother seemed to turn into a stranger.

Never had I ever seen him so dangerous, so completely out of control and yet I couldn't even understand what was happening to him.

Then, I heard it.

The telltale sound of bones cracking and breaking.

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