Chapter Thirty-One

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 Breath hitched in my throat, I barely reacted otherwise, other then briefly glancing over my shoulder, eyes scanning the woman who stood before me, Sophia, wearing a satin dark red nightgown with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, her feet as bare as mine.

I looked back at the now closed notebook I held in my hand while my aunt walked up next to me.

" You were your father's everything." She stated with a soft voice laced with comfort, while she gazed at me as if I was a child, in a motherly way.

" All of his kids act, and look like your mother. He loved them, of course, but, with you, he always felt a special bond." She continued, while I slowly closed my eyes, putting down the notebook.

"He knew what was happening to me, and yet, he did not dare say a word about the fact that I was hearing voices? And you say I was his everything?" I could practically fell into my body how cold my voice sounded, as words reflecting my thoughts poured out of my mouth like a dangerous and fierce river.

I was pissed, hands clenched into fists. He let me suffer all alone, with no support. I could practically feel the heat radiating off my skin.

"Normal parents would have sent you to psychiatry as soon as they would have noticed there was something wrong with you."

" And that's supposed to make me feel better?"

My aunt exhaled while I closed my eyes, trying to regain control over my emotions.

" Your father did what he thought was right, nothing less." She tried to convince me, while she grabbed my wrist.

" Now, calm down, you're going to burn down the house with those candles."

I'm going to --? I looked around to see every candle burning extremely brightly, their flames were bigger than the candles themselves. They were really hot, must have been what made me feel like the heat was radiating off me, and they seemed to grow every time I got angrier. I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself, my hands no longer clenched into fists.

" You, my dear niece, are part witch, Annabelle."


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Paul stood there, at the edge of the forest, squared shoulders, leaning against a tree, he kept himself out of the light of the moon, to make sure he wouldn't be seen, he kept himself in the shadows of the dense forest. He was covered by the shadows of the trees, shadows that were created by the moonlight, though it was filtered by the leaves, leaving some spots uncovered, and reflecting the light of the night star.

Face relaxed, tired eyes, he longed to sleep, his body, relaxed, leaned against a huge tree while he gazed at the house of his imprint.

From the corner of his eye, he could see something move in the room and his body tensed, there was a light that was moving quickly into the room.

Paul stood up straight, and one step, his leg was out of the shadows, ready to spring to see what was happening in her room. The ears of the young and protective shifter caught some snickering coming from a little behind him and Paul glanced, without turning his head much, over his shoulder, only to see his best friend, Jared, standing there, with that goofy smile of his on his face. He was wearing a sleeveless black hoodie, white shorts, barefoot, with his arms crossed over his chest while he looked at Paul with amusement.

" You know, if she doesn't scream for help, that means there is no danger, no threat?"

Paul rolled his eyes at the other werewolf, while his body relaxed slightly.

" If she sees you in her house, at night, who knows what she might do to you? I heard she can swing a bat pretty easily." 

   Paul, listening to his friend's advice, stepped back in the shadows of his domain, the forest. The young wolf felt ridiculous, reacting that way for something that might not be a threat to his imprint, to Derek's sister, Annabelle.

Imprint. Paul had a hard time to get used to that word. That word that meant someone was born on earth solely for him, and he was born, made, solely for her. Only Paul could really love her and only her was right for him. Someone on this god damn earth was made for him, only for him, a soulmate.

" Imagine when Derek learns that his precious twin sister is the imprint of the " used to be" man-whore of Lapush. He'll blow up."

Paul winced. That also was the reason why Sam hadn't put Derek and Paul together yet, Derek was still slightly unstable, or hadn't told him about imprints yet. Derek found it hard to be distant toward his twin, and her, being the smart girl Paul suspected her to be, already guessed there was something wrong with her twin. Everytime Sam, and Jared were on patrols with Derek, they could see how suspicious she was getting over him.

She'd do some tests, to see what his reaction would be. For Derek, it was weird, and he thought his sister was too smart for her own good.

Even Paul was not looking forward to the time Derek would find out about him and his sister, Derek was massive, in his wolf form, and fast.

Paul brushed downwards a hand over his face. Maybe, just maybe, he should just let the imprint take place and stop fighting it so much. He was still reluctant though, nothing eould change about that.

But maybe... just maybe...being her soulmate wouldn't be so bad.

 I was sitting in my room, doing my homework, at my desk, glancing from time to time to the bote book my father had written about me

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 I was sitting in my room, doing my homework, at my desk, glancing from time to time to the bote book my father had written about me.

" You are part witch, Annabelle."

Part witch... What about the other parts? What abilities and memories were sealed away? Would I ever find out? My mind went back to the last sentence he wrote down

That seal is going to kill her.

Will I die? My mind went back to every time I easily lifted something way too heavy for anyone. Is that one of the abilities he mentioned? What else was hidden away from me, for me to never find anything about it.

 Were my parents even planning ot tell me one day or would I have been left in the dark until everything exploded, until I'd turn crazy with all these voices.

Now, I know reading, hearing people's thoughts is one of my abilities, also my inhuman strength. I needed to read this grimoire to find out what my father and mother were hiding away from me.

I needed to learn the truth about myself.

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