Chapter Twenty Nine

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I tried to sleep. So hard, but sleep, whenever my mind was on something, never came easily to me. My mind was not peaceful enough to be able to sleep, my skin was tingling, from the tips of my fingers to my toes.

I stood up, wrapping one of the wine red drapes around me, and I walked up to the window, the moon seemed so close, and full, as it's light shone inside my room, bathing me in it's distant, cold light. 

Another wave of an overflow of energy went through me, and the glass of water on the nightstand shattered pieces of glass laying down the floor, and the nightstand. The water soaked the nightstand, and my bed a bit.

I raised my closed fist up until I could see my hand without having to look down too much, and then my eyes went over the shattered glass.

Two times in less than 2 hours.

I grabbed something to cover my hand with and cleaned up the mess that happened, my thoughts running through my head as the scene replayed over and over again. A flash of light caught my attention, and I turned around, only to see one of the strangest sights I'd ever seen before.

It was some kind of ball of light, with a long smokey trail, floating about in front of me, as if it was normal for that to happen. It was so luminous, and light, the brief change of colors happened in the trail of the weird light ball.

 It was so luminous, and light, the brief change of colors happened in the trail of the weird light ball

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I need to get checked by a psychiatrist.

I literally was getting insane. Foot padded against the floor, as I followed the little moving light throughout the house, the wine red drape wrapped around my frame. I was only wearing a dark blue tank top, dark blue pajama shorts. The drape did not cover me completely, it was not covering my shoulders, as it rested just below them. I'd fallen asleep for an hour or too  But then, that overflow of...something woke me up in the dead night.

Everything felt too much... my skin was way too sensitive, almost painful, as the drape I covered myself with slid against the planes of my skin.

The energy was running just below the surface of my skin. Too much of ... something I couldn't find the name, as if something was buzzing right below and in between my muscles. I walked down the stairs, the drape sliding against each wood steps of the stairs. I followed the little weird light, and it brought me to a stone wall, right in the middle of the house, behind the staircase.

But, it was a normal stone all. Two wood shelves on them, mostly candles and a few other things. The light stayed there, floating about in front of the said wall. Nothing else.

Then, the light went through the wall, illuminating each joint that held up the stonewall, before vanishing behind it.

Is there something through the wall? Why would there be something behind it?

My aunt's and uncle's faces flashed through my mind. Did they hide something there?Then again, aunt Sophie seems to know about Derek's secret, with how many times she made sure I focused on something else. What else was she hiding? 

Without a second thought, I brought my hand up and my palm brushed against the cold stone wall. As soon as it did, bright energy went down, illuminating my veins, went down my arm, to the hand that touched the door, and made an energy wave, small rippling waves, like the water of the ocean against the wall, as my hand made contact with the wall.

Hand trembling, I brought it to my face, as I stared wide-eyed ad the phenomenon that just happened, and I looked up to the ceiling, alert to any sounds that would have told me that my aunt and uncle were awake and that I had woken them up with the noises the wall made.

Then, the wall trembled, and made a weird sound, as the wall, was not a wall anymore.

It was a secret door.

I pushed the door open,the room was circular, only big enough for a spiral staircase to go down into the basement, as soon as walked into the tiny room, only big enough to fit said staircase, dozens of candles, lined up on shelves all around the staircase, followed the path steps, and down into the basement.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply as I saw that.

I was going crazy, that's for sure. The little light hovered over the stairs as if it was waiting for me, before slowing floating down, following the path of the stairs,and then, I could only see the light the little thing emitted from it's small ball, all the way up the stairs, and I narrowed my eyes.

Then, I decided, to walk down those stairs. 

The secret door closed after me.

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