Strike back

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The fears and hopes are sending the soldiers, while horror and love are settling down.

What do you choose in this demilitarized zone – to find your purpose or only exist?

This rock music of rudeness are sharper than metals,

The sinful money are gambling with lives,

While screaming and panics are stronger than bombs.

The routine dictators are controlling our lives to reach calmness by sacrificing growth.

Nobody has returned the same like before, if they take a risk to cross this line.

The new dictators – routine and comfort are forming the rules, while hope is rebelling to reach

Growth and peace. The lieutenant Change is attacking the dictators to save us.

The fear is trembling, while the dictators are asking horror's help!

The horror uses weapons and our fears, while Change and

Peace acknowledge fears by using love.

Take a risk by crossing the dematerialized zone, if you want to reach peace,

Moreover, become part of History's book!

Stay there in fear or go deeper, driven by loving passion to experience life.

On the other hand, maybe you'll stay here, in this comfort zone by crushing your dreams?

Will you stay here alone, betraying the Change's soldiers – hope?

Maybe you'll be neutral in your comfort zone – the witness?

Witnesses are worse than fears or the horrors,

Since they only exist by making betrayals. They never live. They only watch.

Those, who experience peace, accept Change and learn to defeat their fears by living forever.

Those who experience horror have lived at least once by making a difference, even if terrible

Ones – they're always recorded by history. What will you do? The choice is yours.

Your legs are trembling, dear. Come on, invite Change, at least once and be

Crazily passionate lover! I'll go with you! Let us encounter the rudeness and craziness,

Joining the battle to find our purpose! Alternatively, maybe you want only to exist.

The hopes and love are inviting everybody, while the path starts shining for others.

The fears and horrors are asking for pawns, while path is becoming

Only darker for stars to shine brighter. There are so many choices to live...

Are you still not interested? Are you not tired of being a crybaby?!! Strike back to the comfort!

Let us come together to this unique journey to grow and enlighten. Accept Change's help.

We will strike back and create our future by love and smiles.

We will strike back to our fears and horror! Alternatively, maybe the opposite – who knows?

This journey is long but we can do it together. To reach love and peace in this crazy world.

On the other hand, maybe to reach horror by driving people with fear.

Take a first footprint step, the journey began, while history is preparing first notes to write

About You. We will make a strike back to the dictators – routine and comfort.

They will not rule us anymore. I want to live with you, dear. Let's join the uprising of Change.

Poetry with Lithuania and English language. Poezija anglų ir lietuvių kalbomis.Where stories live. Discover now