Of Dragons and Mad Doctors

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   The Summoner walked side by side with the colossal creation of the Doctor himself. She couldn't fathom how annoyed she had been that his monster had scurried off into her forests again. Luckily enough, he didn't rummage through her cave like last time. What a god awful mess that was.

The thing that she couldn't stand the most was the walks back to Junkenstein's castle. Being next to the large creature was irritating. The costume grunts and noises coming from him, the jingling of his chains and worse of all the smell. He smelled like a rotten corpse and don't even get her started on his breath!

As the castle came more into view, she looked over at him. "Please don't follow me into my woods anymore" She breathed out in vexation. He only gave a saddened grumble but she wouldn't take any mind to it. Her hand was brought up to knock on the door but before it was able to tap the wood, Jamison's crazed face appeared before her.

"WELL, if it ain't my favorite Shiela!" His lanky arms grasped her in a bear hug, almost squeezing the life from her petite frame.

Symmetra's darkened skin flourished in redness but she remained her composure, even with the breath of the laughing creature on her neck.

"Please, Jamison. If we can be professional" She cleared her throat, pushing him away. He pretended to pout, but inside his stomach was doing flips.

"It's nice of ya to stop by, Symmy! Come on inside!" He grabbed her hand, dragging her in before she could leave him so soon.

"Jamison, please.."

"Have a' cup a tea! I've got ya favorite all warmed up" He rushed as fast as he could, despite his peg leg, and came back with two cups for each of them. She sighed, giving in and taking a seat on one of his chairs while he took the sofa.

"This will be the last time I bring this up, Jamison. I don't take too kindly of your.." She side viewed the monster behind her and scoffed, "Thing, coming into my woods. You need to keep control of your belongings. I'm not his babysitter"

"Babysitter?" Jamison exchanged looks with his companion, "He may' a been born yesterday, but he ain't no baby!"

"Well, he sure lacks intelligence" She smiled taking a sip of her tea, "Now, please learn to take care of him or I will take care of him. You won't want that"

"Geez, don't gotta be so harsh" He jumped up, ready to let her out. It was a shame she never stayed for long. Jamison loved their time together. It may have even been the reason he sent his creature to go pester the woman. Purposefully, but at least it brought her to him every time.

"I mean it Jamison, don't let him out of this house" She warned him, giving her most stern face. He loved that cute little face she made. He adored her.

"How bout' a kiss before you go?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively, making kissing motions with his puckered lips. Symmetra's face turned the brightest shade it could ever reach as she backed away from the Doctor.

She decided to mess with him, "Okay, pucker up~"

Jamison felt excitement rush over him, as he closed his eyes tighter and leaned forward. This is it! He thought. My plan has finally worked!

"Mm~" The Summoner imitated the noise, with a smirk planted on her chiseled face. She brought both of her hands forth, bending a perfect sentry turret and placing it on his door frame. She walked away with a pitiless chuckle towards her forest.

Jamison opened his eyes full of confusion. He looked up to see the turret, which immediately began to attack, practically burning him as he let out a screech of pain. A sadistic laugh could be heard, The Summoner proud of her work. She would not fall for Jamison or his ways. Not because she hated him. But because she had never experienced love or anything with a man really. Love was weakness and the woman wanted to remain unstoppable. Despite how much she loved him in her heart, she couldn't give up that immunity.

"Ugh. Stupid turret" He growled, having his creature destroy the thing. He was always trying to steal a kiss from the Dragon herself, but she was too stubborn. He would get one, one day, even if it killed him.

"Give er' about 5 minutes, Frankie..." Jamison smiled madly, looking up at the monster. "Then, we'll do it all over again'!"

Frankenstein laughed, his belly erupting in noise and bouncing freely. The stitching tore with each chuckle he made, Jamison noting he would have to patch that up later.

He waited until the time seemed right, sending his creature out of the door once more with a maniacal laugh following. The door slammed shut as he hobbled to the couch, flopping onto his side against the soft couch cushions.

He'd wait for her forever if he had to.

The Summoner would be his.

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