family forever part 2

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White owl and the gray foxes was in the construction site waiting for nightfox to coming to save them the the foxes running at nightfox to fight him and white owl was watch for the crane with the hostages and two of the gray foxes was throwing punches karate Kicks and the third one is shooting bullets at him and nightfox was move right to lift and holding his ground but got unlucky and got shoot in the arm and had to karate kick to the chest and nightfox fell to the ground bleeding and in a lot of pain.

48 hours be for that happened. 'OK but I don't need your help at lot so fuck off before I take you out of here, said nightfox. 'You are in a place that you can't win along, said wist. 'Well I'm going to try and win along because if your going to say then no point, said Steve. 'WELL STEVE WE BOTH NOW YOU WELL NOT FINISH THE JOB AND YOU PARTNER IS DOWN so let's work as a team and stop the bandits and far together or I leave and do this with along and fail, said mist. 'Fine help us find them and I'm going home to rest so night, said Steve.

Steve was driving home to and went he got he grad a drink and sat down and turned on the TV to watch the news but all of the channels was down and a video was on everyone's TV and the white owl was standing look at the camera and behide him was Anna and a officer tied in a chair's and the while owl said ' I want two things first I want Steve Williams will $ and secondly I want nightfox to came here too but If one of this people the one their care about dies for falling on and we meet at the construction site Down town in a day.,

Steve called Linda and said 'have you seen the TV, Linda said 'yes want do we do because we are close to get the bandits but we can stop this team tonight, 'no we can't because the next night their will be they but I have a idea let mist to is thing and I'm going to have some sleep and then get steel cat ready for some training, said Steve.

The next day a lot of people was outside Steve's house but one standard out that was Anna's mother cry so Steve walk over to try and comfort her and Steve said 'you are Anna's mother good because wipe those tears way because your daughter is coming home to you I can promise you that, 'thank you for help my girl what about the police officer, said Anna's mother. 'Well I hope nightfox comes to help him, said Steve. Steve walk back he's car to go but a police car stop in front of he's car. The police officers got out of the car and asked Steve 'to come down the police station, Steve said 'no, and drove off to the Base and went he arrived Chris was in he's suit ready but Steve said 'get out for that I'm training you in a art called the site it is powerful but can be dangerous in the wrong hands, Chris got he's suit off and said 'what the hell is the site and how is it powerful and dangerous, 'good you asked the site comes form with inside of you it combines with your soul your heart the site sometime can unlocking your abilities or help you control how you fight or your abilities oh and it has the ability to show you the past the future or what is happening right now the present but sometimes it can deceive you and make you see things that is not right., 'so are we going to do this or not, said Chris.

'So first thing to get the site to trust you need to sat down and put your right hand in to a fist and your left hand into a palm and put both arm together and hold it their now get you legs crossed and all of your thoughts let them go and let everything flow through your mind now try to look at your soul and heart now what do you see, said Steve 'I see life death happiness sadness enjoy Hurt and in it all their is the site making everything happen now I feel wicked, said Chris 'good that is the site connecting to you, said Steve.

'Get up now it is time to show the site your weather of it now we train follow the moves I do, said Steve. So Steve made him go shoulder to shoulder and at the same time Steve put he's left foot in front and right leg went do on he's knees and the right arm going to the left and the left arm was going right then the left hand turn upside-down and the right said up right now turn your left towards you and your right taught in front of you their did this three time and a electrical pulse came from within Chris.

'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, said Chris 'well Chris that was the site within say I'm ready so in that case it is time for same fighting training, said Steve. 6 hours of training it was 5 pm and mist just got back with some information about the bandits and mist said 'well I have good news and bad news so what first, 'I say good first, said Linda. OK I now where their are going to attack next but that is the bad news it is the sametime as the white owl wants you and nightfox oh and their splitting up to two teams team one the noobs of the team are getting well basically guns art and a lot of money the person how owns this plane is coming in tomorrow and is just as rich as you Steve and team two the more experienced ones like harry,Philips,dave and don't forget about Mark as now as the leader are going to the construction site too so yea, said mist 'I got something their don't care about your money or Anna their about this the bandits threatened fur and to getting the bandits their want your body to show their not afraid, 'OK I have it you got people so getting one to Rob my rocket car and take it to where the job is and you mist go to stop the job me and Chris well go to stop this fur, said Steve. 'HAY WAIT I for got to give you this you now what to do right, said steve. Mist nodded his head and Chris put your suit on but equipped this and I well go as Steve 7 hours ago it was time for them to get their.

Steve arrival first with a Briefcase and steel cat was camo to look like nightfox and on the airport mist just took care of the bandits that was doing the job and the three gray foxes came out of the Shadows and all around the place is the newsagents and police.

'So Steve and nightfox in the same place and time, said one of the Gary foxes 'guys the bandits are close, said Linda. 'OK start the plan, said Steve. 'It is time for you to die Steve, white owl shouted and he shot a bullet at Steve but Steve abilities kicked in but he need to people to believe he got shot so he caught the bullet and acted Like he got shot and steel cat was still In camo as nightfox and running at the three foxes while fake nightfox was distracting everyone a guy got Steve out of their and Steve and mist swapped Steve put on his suit and go ready for battle and nightfox got up to the fight to see fake nightfox change back to steel cat 'steel cat go and get them Down and I got theirs fools and bandits was about to come in to join the battle but all the traffic lights to the Green and their got stuck and back at the fight.

white owl was watch for the crane with the hostages and two of the gray foxes was throwing punches karate Kicks and the third one is shooting bullets at him and nightfox was move right to lift and holding his ground but got unlucky and got shoot in the arm and had to karate kick to the chest and nightfox fell to the ground bleeding and in a lot of pain and two of the Gray foxes pick him up and the three foxes punch and punch and punch so hard I was starting to go out and the white owl shoot a sniper bullet aimed for nightfox's head but he got a rush of energy and he slow down time and change the direction of the bullet to one of the gray foxes foot and he nock the their two out the one got shot in the fool was on the floor and steel cat got to the hostages and white owl on the crane.

Steel cat was holding for a while but white owl was kicking the shit in him but steel cat got a good upper Cut and white owl was Aussie for a minute so steel cat told the opportunity to get them lose ' I need you two jump and their is someone Down their wait for you two, they did not move so steel cat pussed them and fake Steve got them with his car and got them to the safety but steel cat had to fight white owl again.

'So tell me do you have nine lives bitch, white owl shouted well putting steel cat with him off the crane to the ground nightfox jump to try and catch steel cat but no luck steel cat hit the ground hard but somehow survival it and all of the heroes want back to the Base and white owl and the three gray foxes was in deep shit with the boss.

                                  The end                         

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