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Laina's POV
I'm so depressed. My life is worthless! I'm worthless

I just wanna die but why can't I just kill myself?

I'm Laina Connor, I'm 18 years old and I live in a very small apartment in LA

I lost my parents ever since I was little because of some enemies who were jealous of my parents for years

I lived with my mom's sister who is also my aunt but she died because she has found the people who killed my parents.

They died in a house that was on fire. My aunt sacrificed herself for me and for my freedom because she knows if she doesn't die with them, they'll go after me but now I just wanna die too

I was left with nothing but some money and myself

I have major depression

I have cut my risk so many times but i won't die

I tried several pills but that only made me sick but not die

I tried to grab a knife and just end it but I can't

So now......I'm gonna go end my life.

I'm tired! I want to end it

I quit! I surrender!

Right now I'm sitting on a bench, I'm waiting for some people to leave so I can jump off the the bridge.

Don't worry Laina, all this will end soon

THE SUICIDAL GIRL ~Jonah Marais Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now