2| F a l l • A p a r t

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Chapter Two: Fall Apart
October 6th— Saturday
Evelyn's POV:

I searched the area for the man I called my father. My eyes struggling to stay awake from the lack of sleep and I couldn't help but to feel drained.

It's 3 am and I was shipped off to Oregon where my dad lives— with his own family.

My emotions were stunned as I was completely numb, my eyes stinging with unshed tears. I hauled my two pathetic suitcases next to me as I scanned the people waiting to spot their loved ones. Some held signs, and I felt guilty at my hope that my own father was holding a sign.

Once my eyes fell on him, I realized that he didn't need one. It was just him, his sea-foam colored irises, short brown hair, and thin body.

He was tired, and it was noticeable. The bags under his eyes were a clear telltale and I felt bad for dragging him from the comfort of his home during the ungodly hours of the night.

The mere sight of him drew the stinging sensation back to my eyes as I was flooded with memories of him.

I couldn't help the small bit of anger that rose to the surface of my skin, but I shook it off the moment it bubbled. I can't lose another parent now.

He skimmed over me, clearly not recognizing his little girl. I didn't blame him— he hasn't seen me in years. Doing a double take calmed my nerves and the moment his eyes locked on mine, it was game over.

I didn't stop the warm liquid that fell down my cheeks as I watched him get closer to me. He dodged person after person before reaching me and I was instantly relieved when I felt his large hands encircle around my back.

Letting go of my suitcases, I wrapped my arms around him and cried as hard as I could. He smelt of birch wood and mint—-an interesting combination, but one I loved more than anything.

I missed this. I missed him. I missed our nature walks and our ice cream dates, our bike rides and fishing trips. Everything about him made me curl my fingers around him tighter.

I finally got him back, I don't think I could bare to lose him again. A few minutes later, he pulled back, his eyes glistening with unshed tears,

"God, I missed you kid."

I nodded my head, a small smile on my lips, "Why'd you leave, dad?"

My words pained him, his expression turning sad, "Let's talk in the car, okay?"

I simply nodded, just wanting an explanation. The short walk to our car was one of silence, a comfortable silence at that.

After slipping into his shiny silver Bentley, I crossed my arms and waited for him to close the trunk before sliding in the seat next to me. For a few moments, he didn't say a word, just left his hand on the gear shift while staring straight ahead.

"I didn't abandon you," his voice was hoarse, and I could tell I struck a nerve.

"Then what happened?"

"Your mother and I weren't getting along. It got bad Evie, real bad. I didn't know what to do. You were so innocent, so fragile," He paused to take a deep breath,

"I didn't want you seeing everything that happened between us. It was wrong. We ended up getting a divorce and I fought for custody. Your mom made false accusations saying I laid my hands on both of you. They arrested me for a few years before letting me go. There was a restraining order, and I wasn't allowed to see you. I tried, E. I really did, I sent letters and notes, and birthday cards, and money... but I only ever got it sent back, except for the money."

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