7| S h a t t e r e d • E g o

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Chapter Seven: Shattered Ego
October 19— Thursday
Evelyn's POV:


I rested my cheek against my palm, mindlessly doodling on my paper while waiting for the teacher to walk in... late.

"Evelyn, right?"

I looked up from my daze, already annoyed with the day, and the person saying my name.

He had short brown hair, a sun kissed skin complexion, and big hazel eyes. His smile was eye catching along with the small, almost microscopic dimple in his left cheek.

I instantly recognized him as one of Armani's buddies, in the circle of the incredible Giovanni.

"Can I help you?"

My tone came off as dry and rude, most definitely sending off a negative signal.

He cleared his throat, clearly taken aback from my snappy attitude as the grin stayed stable on his face.

"I guess he was right..." he said in a whisper, catching me off guard. I had to take a deep breath to contain my inner bitch mode.

"I'm sorry...? Who was right?"

"Never mind."

"No, no... enlighten me. I'm intrigued." I sounded calm, and considerably concerned. But his questioning glance told me he knew how I truly felt.

"Please, it was nothing. Look, we got off on the wrong foot," he paused to eye me over, as if checking to see if I was going to explode with attitude.

"My name is Mike. But people call me Mikey. It's nice to meet the girl who people can't seem to get enough of lately." His wink made me scoff. I don't have time to deal with guys looking for a lay.

"Well, Mikey... I'm not interested."

He groaned, lightly smacking himself in the forehead and mumbling incoherent words under his breath.

"Can we forget the past two minutes every happened."

I said nothing, but gave him a look as if telling him to continue talking.

He put up a finger, turning on his heels and walking out the classroom. I instantly felt relieved, but my mood soon died once I saw him saunter back in the room and approach my desk.

"Mikey, Mikey Collins. Nice to meet you."

I couldn't help but smile, "Evelyn Riggs. A pleasure."

He sits down in the seat next to me, giving me a sweet grin, "Armani's sister, yeah?"

"Step. But, sure."

"Hmm, step sister. You aren't into that kinky step sibling shit, right?"

I nearly splutter out in a coughing fit at his blunt words, but I contain myself and settle with a disgusted face, "God, no!"

"Oh, that's good."

"What kind of girl do you take me for?"

He raised his hands up in mock surrender, "Look, I don't judge! I'm a curious fella."

I snicker at this, realizing that maybe Mikey isn't as bad as I first judged.

At that moment, the door opens to reveal a substitute teacher scurrying through the threshold, a shaken look on her face.

"Sorry I'm late, guys. It's a study hall, do what you want."

I turned back to Mikey, a smile on my face, "So, tell me about yourself."

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