Scare (dirty/sad/cute)

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"I'm right here"

"Please leave me alone! Who are you? Why do you want me?!" I looked into his eyes as he towerd over me holding the knife above my body, Not saying a word, just heavy breathing. It all happened so fast in the swing of an arm I was gone. I awoke from the nightmare in a cold sweat, panting heavily frightened. This is the fourth time I've had that nightmare. I wanna know who he is. What he wants? Why does he want to hurt me? I couldn't focus not at all. I get up as the image plays over and over in my head. Him....hovering me, the look of death in his eyes. It was horrible and frightening. I have never in my life seen someone so.....angry. It was like some one took pure hatred and put them in his eyes. I was so scared. Scared that this stranger would find me and possibly hurt me.

"Baby are you ok?" It was then I heard it. The loving voice of my fiancee. He was here next to me. I looked down at him and it was like he already knew. Sitting up he took me in his arms as sobs racked through my body soaking his chest. "The same one?" I nodded not knowing what to do. All I really could do was cry. The whole time I cried he comforted me. Holding me, rocking me, telling me everything was gonna be ok. But was it? They say dreams and nightmares are just visions of the future. I am scared. Scared I'll be taken away. Away from him, away from us, away for the world.. I cried looking up at him.

"Justin..." I watched as he looked down at me wth pain in his eyes.

"Yea babygirl?" He whispered.

"Promise me you'll stay.....Promise me that you'll protect me. From everything. Promise me you'll protect me from losing myself. Please just please promise me that." I sobbed hugging him tighter not letting him to in fear of losing him.

"(Y/N) I promise you on everything I have that I will never leave you..I promise you that I'll always be with you. I promise you that I'll protect you from any harm. I promise I'll be here when you're in need of comfort. When you're in need of love. When you need a shoulder to cry on. When you need a bed to lie on. I'll be here no matter what." He talked to me softly....Like if he said something wrong I'd break. Hugging him tighter I cried more but not from pain, or sadness but from love and happiness. Happiness that erupted from those words. Those words that made me forget all the pain and hurt I was feeling. Those words that protected me from everything. Those words that showed me there was hope that everything would be fine. That these nightmares were silly scenes that meant nothing...

I cuddled closer to him as he wrapped him up in his arms. I smiled as I felt his feather kisses trailing down my neck. Stopping at my soft spot he sucked on it softly. Moaning quietly I curled my fingers in his hair tugging gently. Being this close with him was amazing. I felt the rough pads of his fingertips trailing up my sides slowly. Reaching around he remove my silky nightgown. Pulling his face towards mine I connected our lips giving him a slow passionate kiss. Grabbing my hips he flipped us over pulling my lace panties down my legs tossing them across the room never once breaking the kiss. Tracing the curves of his back I reached down removing his boxers tossing them somewhere. His hazel orbs connected with my (Y/E/C) and just by the look in them I knew what he was asking and nodded in response. Slowly he thrusted into me connecting us as one and at that moment it felt like everything around us stopped, like it was just him and I. Stuck in the this position, our eyes never moved from each others. He quickly leaned down and placed a light peck on my lips before pulling out of me and making another slow thrust. The feeling of his lenght in me was astounding. The way he took the time to be gentle and caring with me made me feel like everything was in slow motion. He moved his lips down to my neck slowly kissing it while still thrusting slowly. His hands slid down to my breasts slowly massaging them. Reaching back up towards my face he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered slowly he removed himself from me, the emptiness taking over. I watched carefully as he leaned down inbetween my legs. I quickly closed my legs not letting him see me. He may be my fiancee, but I'm still not completely comfrotable around him.

"Baby, let me see," He whispered "No."

"Do you trust me (Y/N)?" Nodding I stared down at him. "Then trust me when I say you're fucking perfect." He whispered looking at me intensely.

"Okay." Slowly my legs peeled open, relaxing once I saw that beautiful smile etch across his face.

"I love you so much baby girl." I heard him mumble as I layed my head back.

"I love you too Justin" Slowly and gently he leaned down pressing his lips to my clit slowly sticking out his tounge to lick it. I watched carefully as he began to suck and lick my clit lightly teasing between my folds. He slowly stuck his finger into me, thrusting at a slow pace. "Justin." I groaned, wanting him to move faster.

"What is it baby?" The deep rasp in his voice made me shiver, getting wetter as I felt his hot breath hovering my sex.

"Please don't tease." As if he wasnt planning in teasing any more he added another finger, speeding up. I couldn't help but moan loudly as he smiled against me chuckling on my clit. The vibrations felt amazing. I couldn't contain my moans. The feeling of him licking, sucking and kissing my clit as well as the feeling of him making love to me with his fingers brought me to the point of orgasm. "Cum baby, cum for me." he whispered.

The euphoria of pleasure I was feeling was beyond describable. It felt so amazing. My eyes were rolled to the back of my head and I was seeing stars. Panting heavily as I tried to comprehend what just happened. I started babbling.

"J-Justin that was amazing. Y-you ha-" I was cut off by Justin putting a finger to my lips.

"Shh baby come here, come to me." he whispered. I turned on my side, watching him crawl up on the bed. He pulled me into his chest, kissing my head, covering us back up. It was quiet. But it wasnt awkward, it was a beautiful silence. It wasnt long before I was drifting into a peaceful slumber. As if it was a faint whisper I heard Justin speak. "I love you more than anything in this world (Y/N) and I will do anything and everything to protect you from anything that could possibly harm you. Goodnight baby girl." As much as I wanted to respond I was too tired to speak so I cuddled up to him more, letting the darkness take over my body.

Authors Note:

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update when this book first came out, but I will now!

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