9. Christmas

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"It's a Hickey Malfoy! You gave me a HICKEY!" You screeched. He walked over to you.

"I've done better." He mocked.

"Malfoy! Really?" You exclaimed

"Sorry! It will go away!" He smiled walking over to the presents under the tree.

"PRESENT TIME!" He screamed sitting down and squirming around like a little kid. You roll you eyes and join Draco on the ground to unwrap presents.


Last presents.

You gave Malfoy a box. He looked at it and said "I'm only 15, Woman!"

"Down boy, it's not a ring!" You mimic Draco.

"I can tell by the size. The box isn't big enough!" He snickered. You both broke into laughter.

There was a little card on the top that read:

Dear Ferret Boy,
I am sorry that your parents made plans with mine and used you so that I would have someone to spend Christmas with. I hope you like your present. I know you're a Malfoy and have better things too do. But Draco, I'm glad I was stuck with you and not Pansy or anyone else for that matter. I hope I exceed your expectations. I will expect to do this again. Again I am sorry. You should have had more fun and been able to hang out with someone you actually know.
Ms. Harrington

Draco looked up from the card and stared at you with his gray orbs. A single tear ran down his cheek.

"Draco are you okay?" You begged for an answer. He just stood up walk up behind you. You stood up. He then wrapped his arms around you and gave you the biggest and longest hug. You both sat back down.

"Thanks" he uttered.

He opened the box. It was a book. He looked up at you and raised his eyebrows

"It's the book I was reading when we first officially meet and quite frankly roasted the crap out of each other." You stuttered on a few words.

He took the book and placed it back in the box and put the card on top.

"Here's yours!" He said excitedly pushing his present towards you. He ran out of the room.

"Malfoy if this is a prank." You croaked.

You opened the box and there was a piece of paper that read

"You know where to find me!"

You stood up and walked to the Piano room.

"Malfoy?" You said walking into the room.

He began playing the song:
Unsteady by X Ambassadors.

You smiled and Draco finished off. He walked over to you. Smiling bright. Your eyes were glassy. He wrapped his arms around your head and your arms slide around his waist.

"Thanks" you mumbled into his chest. You knew he was smirking or smiling. He pulled away but you didn't. You just sat there hugging his waist.

"Kiss me already" he sounded needy. You let go and pulled him down and locked lips. It was long and sincere. When you pulled away. Draco eyes were still shut.
You bopped his nose and walked back to the presents.

You sat down and looked through all your presents. You got a bunch of new muggle clothing and some Slytherin gear. Pansy gave you a new book series tilted: The Chronicles of Narnia.
Your mother gave you another book that was ripped and old looking named: The Princess Bride. You thought and you decided it gives it character however your mother tried unlike your father. He got you a pen from work. It was pretty, you could use it for class. The Malfoys just got you a card that said Merry Christmas and thanks for staying with their son and stuff like that. Fred Weasley got you a bunch of prankish stuff. Potter gave you a bottle that was titled: sorry for stealing your air! Here is some for emergency......

Sweet gesture but he probably blew into the bottle saying here is your air back and no. That's CARBON DIOXIDE! You were fiddling with the necklace around your neck Draco gave you yesterday.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang.

Their stood the four worst human beings in the entire Universe.

"(Y/N)! Who is there?" Draco called. You swung the door open. Stood there for a second then scoffed. You shook your head gently. You slide a hand over your neck.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! You look like a mess." His father sneered.

"Um! No! I don't think so. You don't get to just march up from your little fancy arse cabin...." you start.

"Lodge!" You father cuts in. You glare at him.

"And destroy your only sons Christmas. I finally understand why he is so rotten and rude to everyone that says anything slightly offensive. You are a horrible person and an even worse father. Not as bad as mine! But bad!" You shout and storm off.

"Darling!" Your mother called. You marched up the stairs and changed into winter muggle clothing.

You let down your hair and it was wavy. You packed your trunk and the backpack you took with you, you put the black skater skirt and your tiara in it. You walked to Madison's room and placed it on her dresser. You got your trunk and logged it down the stairs. When you came downstairs the door was closed and you heated shouting from outside of it. You threw on your leather jacket. You grabbed all on your presents and placed them in your trunk. You sighed and opened the front door. You slammed it behind you. Draco was getting yelled at by my father and his. My mom and Narcissa were bickering about God knows what. You walked down and over to Draco and kissed him for a good 20 seconds, glared at Lucius, walked by your father bumping into him. Ignoring your mother and Narcissa. You walked down the cobblestone and got in the limo that brought your parents and Draco's.

Draco walked over to the Limousine and knocked on the window.

"Yes?" You said rolling down the window.

"Get out" he demanded softly. You did as you were told. He smiled at you and hugged you.

"I'll see you at school, my lovely." He whispered in your ear. "By the way you look hot!"

"I know, I try, see you at school." You said releasing the hug and kissing him on the cheek.

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