☆ dendy ☆

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• She's a kappa and she's proud. A cute, genius kappa, at that.

• She's been toying with technology ever since she was really little. She was very consistent and never gave up, which led her down a path to be an amazing hacker!

• She's not antisocial. She's just... Awkwardly social-

• She often daydreams; mostly about her future, Pow cards, and baby ducks.

• She's a fan of anime and kawaii things. She would probably buy a lot of figures to display in her (neatly organized) room and keychains for her hackpack.

• She sells her repeat Pow cards on EBay. Shh, they don't know she's not old enough to be selling things on there-

• She loves animals. So, so much. Her favorites include kittens, frogs, hamsters, and seals. When she see a cute animal, she makes that cute little "v" shaped mouth. Hell, she might even tear up.

• She and KO love playing games together; video games, board games, and games like hide and seek! They're all really fun with these two smol friendos!

• It doesn't seem like it, but she's kinda naggy with her parents. She's been asking them for a cat for years now... Hey, I never said they listened to her.

• She loves playing video games; mostly nintendogs, but who cares!

• Dendy loves stickers. Her notebooks, room, and folders are COVERED to death in them.

• She wants to go to space one day! Who doesn't, honestly?

• Favorite foods: Capri sun, juicy juice, assorted apple juices, chocolate milk, fruit smoothies, teddy grahams, and any cutely shaped pastry.

• Favorite color: white and pastel blue.

• Ideal weekend: Her ideal weekend is fairly obvious: hacking shit, looking at expired memes, and trolling noobs with the username "dankestdendaroony420."
She also enjoys watching try not to aww challenges. But she fails every time. She'll probably go all day without eating anything; however, she will have some juice by her side. Satisfied with her internet for the day, she'll go take a walk and watch the sunset, and maybe make some observations on people; she's totally not spying, though. Around 6:30 PM, she'll get drowsy and head back inside. Then she'll flop into bed without even finding a comfortable position or a blanket and just sleep. She won't get up until late the next morning. How dank, Dendaroony.

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